
Apologies if this topic has been discussed before but I had a search through 
the archive and didn't find anything.

First, I will explain my planned usage.
We have a set of rules that are growing over time. Rules can be shared across 

Ideally I would like to search through my set of rules and assemble them in to 
a package that would be shipped with a tool.
I don't really want to restrict an application to take all the rules in a 
package if they only need a subset.

I took a good look at Guvnor with the 5.0 release in May and it seemed to fit 
the bill.
That was until I noticed that the smallest unit seems to be a package and 
sharing between packages is not possible.

For my planned usage it seems that a package is too large and what I would need 
is a solution where a rule is the smallest unit.

I saw that resource sharing was planned in Guvnor for a Sept 09 release. Is 
that still on track? Would it allow sharing down to the level of rules?

Assuming I have to support this usage what would people recommend?
    1) Wait for sharing support in Guvnor
    2) Extend guvnor to handle my use case
    3) Build a custom BRMS solution and not use Guvnor as this is an unusual 


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