This is good to know. I was just in the middle of converting to 5.1.1 but will
not stop. By the way the 5.1.1 version of Guvnor appears to be unstable under
JBoss 5.1.
Verify operations just hang. Error messages (with no message) get displayed,
Inability to sign out, etc.
Back to 5.0.1.
Inguyen, I assume you are using Seam2 in your client app. In Seam
2.2.0.CR1 ( ) we replaced
the Drools 4 jars with Drools 5.0 jars, however the internal integration
was not changed to use the Drools 5 API.
Raise a JBSEAM (
I recently upgraded from drools guvnor 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 but I haven't seen any
examples on how to change securityRules now that RuleBase has been replaced
with KnowledgeBase.
Originally I had...";