the DSL expression?
> It seems that it is an error in Drools and I wonder if that should be
> reported as an issue in Jira.
> --- On *Fri, 8/27/10, Wolfgang Laun * wrote:
> From: Wolfgang Laun
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Drools Guvnor: DSL with multiple fact fields
as an issue in Jira.
--- On Fri, 8/27/10, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
From: Wolfgang Laun
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Drools Guvnor: DSL with multiple fact fields
conditions using "-" and eval
To: "Rules Users List"
Date: Friday, August 27, 2010, 2:58 AM
It seems that the i
> when
> asset:Asset( (name=="''", (tag=="''") ) )
> then
> end
> 3) simple case
> [when] There is an Asset=asset:Asset()
> [when]-name empty=name=="''"
> [when]-tag em
[when]-tag empty=tag=="''"
Rule Source:
rule "test_rule"
dialect "mvel"
asset:Asset( name=="''", tag=="''" )
--- On Thu, 8/26/10, Mauricio Sa
can you try with this:
[when] There is an Asset=asset:Asset()
[when] -name is empty=eval(StringUtils.isBlank(name))
[when] -tag is empty=eval(StringUtils.isBlank(tag))
2010/8/26 Patricia Bogoevici
> Hi all,
> I am using the latest Guvnor release (5.1), and I have the following DSL
> expression
Hi all,
I am using the latest Guvnor release (5.1), and I have the following DSL
expression where I use "-" to have conditions on multiple lines:
[when] There is an Asset=asset:Asset()
[when]- name is empty=eval(StringUtils.isBlank(name))
[when]- tag is empty=eval(StringUtils.isBlank(tag))