OK, I found how to overcome it.
You can apply patch for better session object creation (from attachment).
2009/12/23 Rafal Rusin :
> Hello,
> I have similar problem while listing processes in gwt-console - 'Could
> not initialize stateful knowledge session'.
> I tried to go through manual to set
I have similar problem while listing processes in gwt-console - 'Could
not initialize stateful knowledge session'.
I tried to go through manual to set up drools flow with humantasks. I
basicly went through
The process can be shown now and can execute the user tasks but I have the
following exception when there is a LOG process after a User task any Idea
how to solve this issue
33:09,296 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: update ProcessInstanceLog set
processInstanceId=?, processId=?, START_DATE=?, END_
thnx Mauricio 4 ur help bug fixed after using the latest
hibernate-validator-4.0.2.GA.jar and hibernate3.jar
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I realized this issue Yesterday that the persistence.xml file inside
gwt-console-server-drools-*.war under the path /WEB-INF/classes/META-INF
dont contain the list u have mentioned.
what I did is that I added the list to the persistence.xml file and
restarted the server and I have the following
As mentioned before, the exception you are seeing is caused by the fact
that JPA cannot find the definition of the ProcessInstanceInfo element
when trying to persist it. These elements are referenced in the
persistence.xml configuration files.
Could you check your gwt-console-server-drools-*.war
Please check the java code and the process that I am uploading:
1- Java code:
package com.fp;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import org.drools.KnowledgeBase;
import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseFactory;
import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilder;
Yes as Mauricio stated that the persistence.xml inside the persistence-jpa
contains the classes needed
1- Should I have another persistence.xml than that found inside the
2- Should the jar file uploaded inside the Guvonor contains a
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Mauricio thnx again for the quick reply?
and waiting your reply once you know the cause of the problem
thnx in advance for your help
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Yes, I see this bug before, i don't know how to solve it right now but I
will take a look on that during the weekend.
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 5:22 PM, ramram8 wrote:
> What I am trying to do is to upload a rule file process that is simply a
> user
> task that sends an email
> here
What I am trying to do is to upload a rule file process that is simply a user
task that sends an email
here is the steps that I have made:
1- I upload the jar file into the Guvonr
2- I upload the rule flow file also into Guvonr
3- I built the backage and restarted the JBOSS server
4- I started
Can you post here your code? or what are you trying to achieve?
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 4:56 PM, ramram8 wrote:
> Hi I am having problems to start a new process instance. Please can someone
> help in this topic or can someone post a link that could assist me to
> resolve the problem.
> Reall
Hi I am having problems to start a new process instance. Please can someone
help in this topic or can someone post a link that could assist me to
resolve the problem.
Really i dont where to search to fix this issue
Thanks in advance.
09:55:39,500 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcep
Thank you kris,
Removing persistance-api.jar from the gwt-console-server-drools.war helped
to remove the error. Now I'm able to view the process on web-console.
However, when I'm clicking on Start under Process Instances, the following
error occurs. Can you please suggest how can I solve this. I'
I'm guessing that you have multiple version of javax.persistence in your
classpath (one in the server war and one on the server classpath),
causing the cast to fail. Could you verify that this might be true?
If so, simply remove the duplicate persistence-api.jar from the server
war, that should f
Thank you for the reply Kris and Satish. It really helped me to remove the
errors from eclipse. However I still face the error when I click on process
on web-console.
ERROR [[Resteasy]] Servlet.service() for servlet Resteasy threw exception
org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.Ru
I just build from trunk usually, but the M1 version should be fine.
The error "Could not connect to task client" is probably caused by the
fact that you did not set up a task service (you need one if you want to
use human tasks)? Check out
hi Alok,
Here are steps you might want to check.
1.) Make sure you have started a user task.
As Kris suggests
'To start a task service locally: the drools-process-task module contains
a org.drools.task.RunTaskService class in the src/test/java source
folder that can be used to start a task se
Hi Satish/Krisv,
I’m new to Drools. I’m stuck on the same issue.
Although I did every step you have mentioned. My jboss still starts with
error. I’ve downloaded gwt-console-server from
Please let me know from wh
You pointed out the exact issue. This was what happened. I was using
defaultpackage of Guvnor, thinking it refers to the "default".
After I created the new package called "default" and uploaded the
definition, it worked fine and it did not throw any exception.
Kris Verlaenen wrote:
> When
When you uploaded your sample process to Guvnor, did you add it to the
"default" package (notice that the name should really be "default", and
not "defaultPackage", which is created in Guvnor by default)? And after
adding the process to the package, did you build the package on Guvnor?
The NPE se
Thanks for your response!
It did fix the problem and I do not get the exception after I log in if I
run org.drools.task.RunTaskService.
I, however, get exception if I click on 'Process Definitions'->'Definition
Here is the stack trace.
URL: 'http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/pr
This exception is simply caused by the fact that you don't have a human
task service installed. So when the console tries to show the tasks of
the user, or execute a process, it will fail to connect.
To start a task service locally: the drools-process-task module contains
a org.drools.task.RunTas
I have built the war files using the code from SVN and following is the stack
I also see a warning in server logs that says 'WARN [PluginMgr] Unable to
load plugin: 'org.jboss.bpm.console.server.plugin.ProcessEnginePlugin'.
Do I need to copy any jar file in JBoss's lib folder
Damn, the DroolsFlowCommandDelegate seems to be swallowing the
exception, as the exception caught there is not added as the root of the
thrown exception (line 68). There's no stack trace of a
NullPointerException in the log (right) before this error?
I also fixed this on trunk, so the caught Null
I have set the data source. Following is the stack trace.
When I go to Settings->System->Overview, I see that
org.jboss.bpm.console.server.plugin.ProcessEnginePlugin is not green.
I must have missed something in the installation or copying a dependant jar
URL: 'http://localhost:8080/gwt
Did you configure the data source correctly?
The full stack trace of the error that should be visible in the server
console could help to identify the issue as well.
Could some one share the experience in getting the Drools Flow 5.1 web
console working in JBoss?
I downloaded the “Standalone Guvnor with JBoss AS” (Drools 5.1.0.M1 Guvnor
Standalone) from the download site.
As it did not have the gwt-console war files
(gwt-console-server-drools-{version}.war an
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