Today I've reported a similar (?) problem with KnowledgeAgent ind
combination with declare: the type of the inserted wasn't recognized, and
rules didn't fire.
Please check that this produces the correct class name:
rule justTestClass
salience 100
Event event = new Event();
W, thanks for your reply. The Event fields are all complete and
initialized. If I change the rule package to the one in Event (let's say
"package-name(rule) == package-name(Event)") everything works like a charm.
I'll give you more details about the NPE.
Happends in this class: org.drools.reteoo
The NPE during insertion is highly suggestive of another problem. Even if
there were two Event classes (one the pojo, the other one the declared one)
there should not be a NPE; the "hello world" rule simply would not fire.
Are all fields - especially eventName - properly initialized before that
Hi guys,
we are currently working with Drools Fusion in order to build a
complex event processing solution. We've modelled our events using and
object (Event) and this object is shared with everyone that needs to
publish and event.
Our scenario goes this way
1) Our shared