Re: [rules-users] Runtime addition of rules to a kbase

2009-09-14 Thread Edson Tirelli
Yes, once you do: kbase.addKnowledgePackages(kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages()); Throw away your kbuilder and use a new one to add new rules. Obviously, keep the same kbase. []s Edson 2009/9/14 Justin King > Hi Edson, thanks for the response. > > Are you sure about the no reusable

Re: [rules-users] Runtime addition of rules to a kbase

2009-09-14 Thread Justin King
Hi Edson, thanks for the response. Are you sure about the no reusable kbuilder thing? If I dont reuse the same one It does not work for me. Inserting the new rule has no effect. Thanks, Justin 2009/9/15 Edson Tirelli > >Justin, > >This is a valid use case and should work just fine.

Re: [rules-users] Runtime addition of rules to a kbase

2009-09-14 Thread Edson Tirelli
Justin, This is a valid use case and should work just fine. Just make sure you your a new kbuilder instance every time. KnowledgeBuilders should not be reused, but when you add the knowledge package to the knowledge base, Drools will merge packages as necessary. If still not working, ple

[rules-users] Runtime addition of rules to a kbase

2009-09-08 Thread Justin King
Hi, We have a project where we are attempting to add new rules to an existing knowledgebase (read from a .drl file). We add them by using strings using the following code: String rule = "rule \"GeneralClause-2\" " + "when " + "ObligationComplianceEvent(term == \"term2\