Actually, Mark Proctor solved this several days ago when he asked if Seam came with its own Drools jars. It does. If you use the non-Seam bundled drools jars, you will get this exception. Sorry for wasting anyone's time on this, but I'm curious....any ideas what is different between the standard Drools distribution and what comes with Seam?

On Nov 8, 2007, at 10:12 AM, Robert Morse wrote:

I downloaded Seam 2.0.0.GA, built the drools example (it's a simple number guess application). It fails exactly the same way. I'm guessing the Seam guys tested this before releasing, so I'm assuming (as Edson pointed out) a JVM issue with Mac OS X Leopard?

On Nov 8, 2007, at 6:57 AM, Robert Morse wrote:

Hello Edson,
Frankly, I wouldn't spend a lot of time on this. The alternate approach is to inject the working memory into the Seam component as described in the docs. Assuming that works (which I'm sure it will), then there's no reason to use the approach I was attempting. Let me mess with it today, and I'll let you know. Once again, thanks for everyone's help.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 8:50 AM, Edson Tirelli wrote:


 Fernando is taking a look in that.


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