It's good to see the rust-dev list still alive! ;)


On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:42 PM, Flavius Aspra <> wrote:
> I agree with the fact that, while the explanations in the tutorial are fine,
> they're way out of order. Even an experienced programmer needs time to
> digest the material in its entirety.
> Rust would make a really good first-to-learn-language, unfortunately that
> material is not available yet.
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Ryan Hiebert <> wrote:
>> Thanks Wesley, for your writeup. I’m still learning Rust, and I think your
>> post here is likely to give me some direction as I learn about some of the
>> unique features of Rust.
>> > On Apr 6, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Wesley W. Terpstra <>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Yes, I discovered this, thanks.
>> > I signed up for <> and
>> > posted it there.
>> >
>> > On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Oleg Eterevsky <>
>> > wrote:
>> >> Hi Wesley!
>> >>
>> >> That's a very cool analysis. This sounds very much like my thoughts
>> >> about
>> >> the tutorial.
>> >>
>> >> I think you'd better post it on, since it
>> >> is the
>> >> main place for Rust discussions now. The mailing list is almost dead.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Oleg
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 4:23 PM Wesley W. Terpstra <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Good afternoon and happy easter,
>> >>>
>> >>> I am a newcomer to Rust and recently finished working through your
>> >>> tutorial. Before I get too much further into reading the standard
>> >>> library, I wanted to share my experience as a complete Rust newbie
>> >>> starting out only with your documentation, before I forget it. I
>> >>> regret that I did not start taking notes immediately, but it was not
>> >>> yet clear to me how much I was going to like Rust, so a lot of this
>> >>> will be me recalling my experience, without notes.
>> >>>
>> >>> First, my background. I've been programming in C++ for 20 years and
>> >>> used MLton (Standard ML) heavily for about 5 years, 4 years ago. I
>> >>> have dabbled with Haskell, but not seriously. So, as far as beginners
>> >>> to Rust go, I suspect I would be the sort of person who should
>> >>> definitely have been able to go through your tutorial and come out at
>> >>> the other end with a clear mental model of the language, as I've been
>> >>> exposed to almost all of the concepts before.
>> >>>
>> >>> 1- I had heard about Rust through the odd talk at ML workshops via
>> >>> youtube, although the last ML workshop I attended in person was ~6
>> >>> years ago. The main thing that raised Rust to my attention was your
>> >>> v1.0 release which was mentioned on Slashdot. A few days ago, I saw a
>> >>> comment posted somewhere that reminded me about it and contained these
>> >>> two keywords: functional + no-GC. That got me interested enough to
>> >>> head over to your main page.
>> >>>
>> >>> 2- I really liked how on the front page there was a feature list that
>> >>> summarised what I could expect from the language. I was surprised not
>> >>> to see a bullet point reaffirming that there was no garbage collector
>> >>> necessary. I then started reading the Rust tutorial "book" in order.
>> >>>
>> >>> 3- Installing Rust on Mavericks worked perfectly and I was happy to
>> >>> see it supported all three major platforms. I almost made the mistake
>> >>> of installing the old rust package in macports instead of running the
>> >>> macports version (0.12.0). From what I've read since, this would have
>> >>> been a critical mistake since Rust has evolved so quickly in the near
>> >>> past. Perhaps this package should be either removed or updated.
>> >>>
>> >>> 4- I was a bit annoyed that I had to wade through Cargo stuff before
>> >>> getting to the details of the language, since I was still in the
>> >>> "evaluating if Rust is interesting" phase and had very little interest
>> >>> in packaging minutia in the introduction.
>> >>>
>> >>> 5- Coming from an ML background, I only needed to skim most of the
>> >>> "basics", taking note of which features were slightly different.
>> >>>
>> >>> 6- The moment I saw "for x in 0..10", I immediately wanted to know if
>> >>> I would be able to use the ".." notation on my own types.
>> >>>
>> >>> 7- I was again annoyed by the crates/modules/testing sections at the
>> >>> start of Section 3. I had completed reading the "Basics" section and
>> >>> had yet to see why I should care about Rust. The key Rust feature,
>> >>> resource management was still nowhere to be seen.
>> >>>
>> >>> 8- Finally I reached the "Pointers" section I had been basically
>> >>> waiting to get to this whole time. Then I had to wade through pointer
>> >>> problems that any C programmer already knows intimately, before
>> >>> getting to how Rust does things. These two sections, 3.3 and 3.4, are
>> >>> probably the MOST important sections in the entire tutorial, but they
>> >>> come very late and are not well described. I would have expected to
>> >>> see a top-down approach to explanation. A "here is how Rust deals with
>> >>> memory" and THEN "here is how this solves these problems". Instead, I
>> >>> got a "here are problems you already know" and then a "here's how Rust
>> >>> does stuff". Due to this presentation approach, section 3.3 is very
>> >>> disjointed and I didn't come away from it with a clear idea of how
>> >>> this all works. It is also very jarring, because the rest of the
>> >>> tutorial is pretty Micky-Mouse and then suddenly the main new concept
>> >>> of Rust is explained with only surface detail in two tiny
>> >>> sections---completely inadequately.
>> >>>
>> >>> 9- I entered the "Ownership" section quite annoyed from the terrible
>> >>> preceding section. I *still* don't really understand lifetimes, even
>> >>> after having sorted out the way Rust ownership works. These two
>> >>> sections are the worst in the tutorial, while also being the most
>> >>> important!
>> >>>
>> >>> At this point, I played around with Rust to try and understand the
>> >>> calling convention, move, copy, and borrow. I am pretty sure I
>> >>> understand it now, but I did *NOT* come away from the tutorial with
>> >>> this understanding. I would have presented the concepts in this order:
>> >>>
>> >>> 1. Rust moves objects by default. Include example showing that "let y
>> >>> = x" makes "x" invalid afterwards. Explain that this ensures that
>> >>> there is exactly one release to each allocate---something that can
>> >>> easily be understood even without explaining C pointers. Show that
>> >>> this applies to function calls as well; let x = Foo; f(x);
>> >>> println!("{:?}", x); // <-- Bad
>> >>>
>> >>> 2. Explain that some types can be copied instead. Mention that this is
>> >>> indicated by the "Copy+Clone" trait and show that "let y = x" and
>> >>> "f(x)" leave "x" valid afterwards. Mention that all basic types work
>> >>> this way, but that it is an opt-in feature.
>> >>>
>> >>> 3. Show the "#[derive(Copy,Clone)]" syntax which is AFAICT nowhere
>> >>> mentioned in the tutorial. You can understand this even without
>> >>> knowing the details of how traits are actually implemented. This shows
>> >>> a user that he controls the choice between move/copy semantics.
>> >>>
>> >>> 4. Now introduce Box::new(). Explain that it keeps its contents on the
>> >>> heap, but the pointer on the stack. Trust that programmers already
>> >>> know what heap/stack are without a bad recap. Demonstrate that move
>> >>> semantics mean that the heap object is freed exactly once. Perhaps
>> >>> mention that this is like C++'s unique_ptr.
>> >>>
>> >>> 5. Explain that Box needs a destructor to do the free. Introduce the
>> >>> concept of Drop. Explain Box can never be marked Copy due to needing
>> >>> Drop. Perhaps mention that Copy+Drop are the only two special traits
>> >>> in Rust (is this right?).
>> >>>
>> >>> 6. Maybe demonstrate another, more expensive, type of resource managed
>> >>> this way in Rust. Mention this automatic drop is something a GC
>> >>> language can't give you due to the lazy collection of finalizers.
>> >>>
>> >>> 7. Only now introduce borrowing. The existing explanation is fine,
>> >>> just out-of-sequence.
>> >>>
>> >>> 8. Now explain lifetimes as being a way to promise that the borrow is
>> >>> shorter than the life of the object or the borrow it came from. I am
>> >>> still unclear about which use of 'a defines the containing lifetime
>> >>> and which the contained. So, this definitely needs to be explained
>> >>> better, but I think it is WAY less important to understand the details
>> >>> of lifetimes than it is to understand the key concepts of: move vs.
>> >>> copy and RAII.
>> >>>
>> >>> This explanation (at least #1-#7) needs to come much sooner.
>> >>> Definitely still in the Basics sections. Anyway, back to my
>> >>> first-impression timeline:
>> >>>
>> >>> 10- Sections 3.5-3.7 were easy. One and done.
>> >>>
>> >>> 11- Associated Types (3.8). Why does this come before Traits (3.12)?
>> >>>
>> >>> 12- The closures section was very cool. *After* I understood Traits.
>> >>> Traits are so important in Rust they need to come first! I was missing
>> >>> an explanation of what the syntactic sugar of "Fn(int) -> int" is all
>> >>> about. I only sort-of understood the point about why a closure has
>> >>> undefined size when returned, but it is fine when used as an argument.
>> >>> My gut feeling was that it is somehow because you left the scope of
>> >>> the monomorphized function that produced it.
>> >>>
>> >>> 13- By the time I read "Static and Dynamic Dispatch" (3.13) I was
>> >>> hooked on Rust. At this point I'd already played around with rustc to
>> >>> understand the memory ownership concept. The static+dynamic dispatch
>> >>> is just so elegant, I was sold completely and totally at this point.
>> >>> MLton has to do escape analysis to determine which closures it can
>> >>> monomorphize away. That you put this directly under my control and
>> >>> completely side stepped this issue is just so elegant. Wow.
>> >>>
>> >>> 14- I skimmed over the rest of the sections without any problems.
>> >>>
>> >>> I have yet to write serious code in Rust, but the confluence of "Just
>> >>> the Right Ideas" (TM) has pretty much convinced me. The documentation
>> >>> of the 'std' library looks pretty good, a clear upgrade of the
>> >>> Standard ML basis library it is came from. ;-) At the moment I am very
>> >>> hopeful that Rust is the language I've been waiting my entire
>> >>> professional career to learn.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thank you for your work on Rust!
>> >>> I hope my user report can help you improve the experience for the next
>> >>> newbie.
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