Hey all,

Sounds good ! If you wish to present at the event on August 14, then could
you please let us know a title of the presentation and a brief description
of what it will involve so as to let attenders know.

Thank you,

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Simon Sapin <simon.sa...@exyr.org> wrote:

> On 24/07/14 10:18, Ilya Dmitrichenko wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> I and @farcaller where thinking to prepare a talk on Zinc project
>> (http://zinc.rs/).
> That looks cool. Do you want to present on August 14?
>  What length of the talks you guys do?
> The length is flexible, this is only the second time we’re doing in this
> in London so we’re still figuring it all out. Just remember that the event
> is in the evening and that there may be another talk in the same event. To
> give a number that I totally just made up, anything up to 30 minutes sounds
> good.
> --
> Simon Sapin
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