I was talking about 
which essentially introduces structural enums but only for variants belonging 
to the same named enum.

      > * This strikes me as an extreme change to the language, but
      perhaps my gut is overly conservative.  

Well, to some extent: it does indeed cause a fundamental change in type 
inference, since now any finite set of types can be "unified" as a structural 
enum type.

That said, I think this needs to be done anyway in something like Matsakis' 
proposal, since otherwise you can't pass an x declared as "let mut x = A; 
if(foo) {x = B;}" to something taking a Enum[A, B] if Enum also has a C case, 
so it only really changes how frequently the expanded type inference would be 

BTW, it should be allowed to call impl methods, trait methods and access fields 
that are common to A, B, C  on "A | B | C", effectively adding a new "closed" 
polymorphism system that can be used by just switching a types from Trait to A 
| B | C if the only possible Trait implementations in that code are A, B, C, 
with the rest of the code being unchanged.

> You have not addressed in your proposal how you would change the
      match syntax to deal with non-struct variants, such as ~str or

Scala uses "x: int" to match an int (or type pattern in general) an assign it 
to x, and "x @ <pattern>" to assign x to something matched by a pattern (since 
Scala distinguishes between "value" patterns and type patterns).

In Rust distinguishing between value and type patterns might not be necessary, 
so one can probably use the same character for both cases.

> Do the tags on the variants need to
      encode the whole type, and not just which struct it is?

They of course need to identify the whole type, and they probably will change 
numerically depending on generic instantiation if some can unify under some 
generic instantiations.

> And what
      about the poor user who didn't think about the fact that they
      might alias each other, and
> thought that all the clauses in the
      code for A | B| S<Y> were disjoint, but in fact they
      potentially overlap
> due to the potential aliasing, and thus the
      order of the cases in the above is now crucial, yes?

Well, the poor user's thought process turns out to be incorrect, since any enum 
including a naked type parameter is obviously not disjoint in all cases.

      > -- Another example: Can/should I now just throw seemingly
      unrelated struct's into a match, in order to 
> anticipate that the
      parameters will be instantiated with that struct?  Consider the

Yes: the compiler can potentially emit an error or warning if the match will 
never match under any  generic instantiation.

This also allows a form of internal "partial specialization" of functions, 
where a function can have specialized behavior for some subsets of generic 

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