Hi Nicolas,

On 28 Jan., 08:53, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr>
> Note: a pretty similar test is included in the TestSuite (see
> _test_eq).

You mean the "self!=None" test? Right, that's the same, and it would
fail in unpatched Sage.

> Do you think both are useful?

Not sure...

> If yes, I am happy to add it
> and/or to add it to _test_eq

That doesn't seem to be very useful.

Or: It could be useful to add the lines

            tester.assertEqual(zero, int(0))
            tester.assertEqual(zero, 0)

to _test_zero OF RINGS (hence, override the corresponding test method
gotten from commutative additive monoids; or add a new test method
_test_ring_zero). In a similar way, one could compare
self.one_element() with 1 and int(1) for rings.

Of course, here I assume that any ring has a coercion from the ring of
integers (rings in Sage are unital), and should both be able to eat
"0" and "int(0)".

Best regards,

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