Hey everyone,
   The following gives a PicklingError:

sage: P = Partitions(5, max_length=4)
sage: loads(dumps(P))

The actual object created in an instance of `IntegerListsLex`, and the 
pickling error is due to the fact that the global options 
`PartitionOptions` cannot pickled since it passes lambda functions as 
parameters. The ParittionOptions cannot be pickled is okay IMO since there 
is a unique such global object in Sage. However, this causes problems when 
creating partitions with constraints (for my purposes, I need all 
partitions of a bounded max length). The solution is to create a new class 
which has class attributes at least for the global options, in fact I'd 
also give it an `Element` as well (and perhaps inherit from `Partitions` -- 
I haven't tried that yet to see if things break):

class Partitions_constraints_new(IntegerListsLex):
    Element = Partition
    global_options = _Partitions.global_options

   So I have a few questions about this right now. Do we want to still keep 
backwards compatible unpickling of (very) old `Partitions_constraints` 
(below sage-3.4.1), and if so, what should we call this new class? Do we 
want to be able to pass things like NN to `Partitions` (and use this class) 
and/or continue to allow `IntegerListsLex` to vary over a range of n?

   Here's my opinion: I think we should drop the unpickling of these very 
old objects. We should not allow `IntegerListsLex` to range over n, and 
instead use `DisjointEnumeratedSet`. Subsequently we should allow NN to be 
passed to `Partitions` and have that return a `DisjointEnumeratedSet` of 
the respective objects. I'd create the first ticket which fixes the 
pickling error above and replaced `Partitions_constraints` with my proposed 
class above.


PS - More bad puns to follow :P

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