Dear Daniel,

> I was glad that you and Nicolas wrote the combinatorial classes notes
> last April.  However, there wasn't any followup, so I wanted to check
> if the situation has changed at all since then.  I recently got an
> email asking about my covering designs code, in which I had promised a
> faster Cython version.  I put that on hold until it was clear how a
> fast iterator should be added to a class, and I'd like to get back to
> it.

Sorry for answering so late... Actually, there wasn't *apparently* any
followup concerning CombinatorialClass because it was decided to rename them
enumerated set and to make them parents as any sage sets. As any sage parent
they must belongs to a category. Therefore things had to wait until categories
stuff enters sage, which eventually happen three weeks ago in Sage 4-3. As
usual work is never progressing as fast as we hope. Sorry I didn't think about
updating the Wiki page.

So here is the current status: any set of combinatorial objects should be a
parent in either category FiniteEnumeratedSets() or InfiniteEnumeratedSets()
or even EnumeratedSet() if the cardinality is unknown. The code for these
categories seems to be stable and moreover, there are examples showing how to
write such a parent (please see FiniteEnumeratedSets().example() and
InfiniteEnumeratedSets().example() from sage) or the respective files
sage/categories/examples. You also may want to have a look at the category
Sets() associated to the files for the problem of constructing
elements in a parent.

On the other hand, concerning the infrastructure a final step is currently
being made by allowing categories to work with Cython/extension types (see
trac #7921 currently in review). So once it is integrated, there shouldn't be
any infrastructure problem.

I'm currently working on adapting the combinatorial code to this design. But
this is still in progress. The plan is to have trees and binary trees in sage
as soon as possible and then to rework permutations, partitions ...

Since you didn't ask any precise question, I'm not sure this is what you
needed, but I hope this helps. Anyway, please feel free to ask more questions,
I'll try to be more reactive.



PS: I've put Nicolas ThiƩry in CC since he is the categories architect.
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