
I am currently implementing some (simple to implement and not yet very
well studied) statistics for permutations. The main problem I have is
that they don't come with (or even have any) descriptive names, so I
wonder what to do, as an example, see
http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/~guoniu/papers/p17maf.pdf Section 3 "A
new mahonian statistic 'maf' ". (Yes, I do that for the findstat
project, and yes, I hope that this will lead to new ways to find out
things about not well-studied permutation statistics).

I think of using them like

sage: pi = Permutation([2,3,1])
sage: pi.mahonian_statistics.maf_index()

but also

sage: pi.statistics.maf_index()

So the same method could appear in different places (like major_index
would appear in both "collections" above, but also as a plain method
for permutations.

Q1. Do you think this would help organizing the methods for permutations?
Q2. Does anyone know how to do such an implementation?
Q3. Any other / better ideas?

Best, Christian

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