
I'm posting the irc log for #sage-devel here right now.  I'm not going
to do this regularly.  The point is just to give people a sense of
what goes on there on a daily basis in the hopes of encouraging more
people to login to irc.  Typically there are about 20-30 people logged
in at any given time to #sage-devel on irc.freenode.net.     I think
Sage development would improve if this number were a bit higher,
especially given the number of active Sage developers.

It's also interesting to see how distributed the people are on IRC.
For example, today the people involved in the discussion were in
Seattle (me), Oxford (SPancratz), Philippines (tim dumol), Korea
(ddrake), Australia (mvngu), Thailand (mhansen), and Idaho (jason

04:50 < williamstein> excellent progress.
04:50 < williamstein> and the next step will be more *fun*.
04:52 -!- gpannwitz
[i=d5dd5...@gateway/web/freenode/x-kelkxedpcjvrhigl] has quit ["Page
04:52 < williamstein> ok, i pushed my changes...
05:01 -!- williamstein is now known as williamstein-zzz
05:12 -!- timdumol-dinner is now known as timdumol
05:22 -!- buntfalke [n=nob...@unaffiliated/buntfalke] has joined #sage-devel
06:20 -!- ncohen [n=nco...@rebelote.inria.fr] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
06:33 -!- mhansen [n=u...@] has joined #sage-devel
06:49 -!- SPancratz [n=su...@] has joined #sage-devel
06:49 < SPancratz> Hello
06:49 < timdumol> SPancratz: hey.
06:49 < SPancratz> I just noticed something rather disturbing with the
general matrix solving code
06:50 < SPancratz> I thought I should share this, if someone is interested.
06:51 < SPancratz> Code of mine that takes about 65s to execute is
heavily dominated by solving two matrix equations (matrix * vector =
vector) where the coefficient ring is QQ[]
06:52 < SPancratz> Of that time, 44s (of cumtime from using %prun)are
spent in the method Hom in homset.py, 17s in the method 'category' of
the Ring object, and 11s in _repr_ in polynomial_ring.py
06:53 < SPancratz> Only a very small time is actually spent crunching
away at the matrices
06:54 < timdumol> SPancratz: I am unfamiliar with that code, unfortunately.
06:56 < SPancratz> I think as far as my own code is concerned, I will
just copy the relevant SAGE code and take away everything that _might_
be needed in general but can be ignored if one knows which ring all
elements lie in and knows that this won't change.
06:57 < SPancratz> I just thought other people might perhaps have come
across this
07:01 < mhansen> SPancratz: Do you have a test case that I could look at?
07:02 -!- jason [n=ja...@97-125-136-197.desm.qwest.net] has joined #sage-devel
07:02 -!- jason is now known as Guest81620
07:02 -!- Guest81620 is now known as jason-
07:08 < SPancratz> mhansen: I can quickly make on up
07:09 < mhansen> Cool.  I'll be back in about 15 minutes and get
hopefully get things sped up for you.
07:30 < SPancratz> mhansen:  I've uploaded an example to
07:35 < SPancratz> Of course, I see that the matrix and the vector are
ridiculously sparse and I should take advantage of that.  However,
most of the standard numerical methods don't apply (they often assume
the matrix is positive definite or symmetric, and in this case I am
not even sure what the first notion could mean, and the matrix isn't
symmetric).  I am trying to find useful references for solving sparse
linear equations, but I've only started that an hour ago and
07:37 < SPancratz> mhansen:  I need to go to College for a few
minutes, but I should be back in about 15mins.
08:03 < SPancratz> mhansen:  Just to let you know, I am back.
08:03 < mhansen> Cool.  I just got back as well.
08:18 < SPancratz> mhansen: Did you get my previous messages?
08:20 < mhansen> Yeah.  I'm just looking at it now.
08:22 < SPancratz> Thank you
08:37 < mhansen> SPancratz: Are you using your FLINT Q(x) code?
08:39 < SPancratz> Yes
08:41 < mhansen> Let me install the latest version of that so that
we're working off the same thing :-)
08:59 < mhansen> SPancratz: I get an error when running your code.
But, if I switch to Frac(ZZ['t']) then it finishes in about 2s.
09:00 < SPancratz> Which error do you get?
09:01 < SPancratz> I think I fixed one small thing
09:01 < mhansen> TypeError: Rescaling row by Fraction Field of
Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field element cannot be
done over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over
Rational Field, use change_ring or with_rescaled_row instead.
09:01 < mhansen>
09:01 < mhansen> Which is a silly bug.
09:01 < SPancratz> Can I just let you know the fix?
09:01 < mhansen> Sure
09:02 < SPancratz> It's in the method reduce in fraction_field_element.pyx
09:03 < SPancratz> (The second occurrence, of the
UnivariateRationalRational... type)
09:04 < SPancratz> The method should add another cdef Rational y, and
then on about line 1054, rather than having x = ~x (which causes the
bug for integer x) it should to y = ~ Rational(x), and the next two
lines should be num = y * num and den = y * den
09:07 < mhansen> So, if you need this for research right away, you can
work over Frac(ZZ['t']) which is the same ring.
09:08 < mhansen> Hmm... I'm getting "Error: unable to alloc/realloc memory"
09:08 < mhansen>
09:08 < SPancratz> Well, the idea behind it is that I am trying to
make code computing connection matrices faster
09:09 < SPancratz> (Using basic linear algebra rather than the usual
Groebner basis approach)
09:11 < SPancratz> It might be doomed to failure, but for some example
I am only out by a factor of 20, which I think I can comfortably
achieve by re-implementing Q(t), adding methods _addmul_ and _submul_
(similary to the ones in GMP, for computing x = r + s*t), and using
the sparsity of the matrices
09:12 -!- mjturk [n=mjt...@] has joined #sage-devel
09:12 < mhansen> Why do you use Q(t) instead of Z(t)?
09:13 < SPancratz> It would probably be better to use Z(t).  The short
answer is that I didn't think about that part.
09:14 < mhansen> That's what I did before with ZZ['t'] was much faster
than QQ['t'] :-)
09:15 < SPancratz> But on trying that right now, I noticed that
something else in my code doesn't work.  For f definitely being equal
to a monomial in S = Z(t)[X,Y,Z], I get an error from
09:15 < SPancratz>     563         if not (isinstance(mon,
MPolynomial) and mon.parent() is self.parent() and mon.is_monomial()):
09:15 < SPancratz> --> 564             raise TypeError, "mon must be a
monomial in the parent of self."
09:15 < SPancratz> Where my f is mon in the relevant SAGE code
09:15 < SPancratz> I am guessing the "isinstance(mon, MPolynomial)" might fail
09:16 < SPancratz> I think my f is an MPolynomial_polydict
09:17 < SPancratz> I think that inherits from MPolynomial, but the
isinstance check fails, of course.
09:18 -!- opp [n=huxp...@] has quit [Read error: 60
(Operation timed out)]
09:19 < mhansen> I think the isinstance should work.
09:21 < SPancratz> I'll run the code again, printing the results of
the three checks before calling the method
09:26 < SPancratz> You were right
09:27 < SPancratz> I am checking Q.monomial_
09:28 < SPancratz> I am using Q.monomial_coefficient(f) for lots of f.
 For various Q and f.  For most Q, the parent is "Multivariate
Polynomial Ring in X, Y, Z over Fraction Field of Univariate
Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring", but for no apparent reason
for one of them it turns out as "... Rational Field"
09:31 < SPancratz> I am guessing somewhere in the code must be an
exact division which triggers the ring to change.  Well, I guess I
need to go and fix that now.
09:31 < SPancratz> Thank you for your help.  By the way, is there
anything I ought to do regarding QQ[] at the moment, or can I leave it
as is for the time being and look at it again after the next stable
release of SAGE?
09:32 < mhansen> With the latest patch at #4000 on trac, I can that
memory error.
09:32 < mhansen> err, I get that
09:33 < SPancratz> Which memory error?
09:34 < mhansen> Error: unable to alloc/realloc memory
09:34 < mhansen>
09:34 < mhansen> Here's a traceback: http://sage.pastebin.com/m1ce587b9
09:36 < SPancratz> What do you have to do to get that?
09:39 < mhansen> I just ran the session that you posted with the
latest patch from #4000 (and FLINT 1.5.0).
09:42 -!- prometheus1809 [n=prome...@] has joined #sage-devel
09:43 < SPancratz> From the traceback, the call comes from
"__fmpq_poly_den_fit_limbs", and that in turn from floor division.
The former is only 7 lines long and almost surely without mistakes if
I dare to say that at all.  The only thing I can think of is that
perhaps somewhere in floor div instead of passing an unsigned long,
somewhere there is mixed operation with a signed integer and that
could perhaps cause the unsigned long limbs to be ridiculously large,
and that
09:43 < SPancratz> (I am looking at that now.  Other than that, I
would have now idea)
09:47 < SPancratz> In floor div, I can see any bad handling of
unsigned longs.  fmpz_size should return an unsigned long, and so
should the pseudo division code.  And then I am only adding and
multiplying those.
09:47 < mhansen> Hmm...
09:50 < SPancratz> Could you perhaps let me know to which line in
polynomial_rational_flint.pyx the line 7319 in your compiled version
*.cpp corresponds?
09:51 < mhansen>       /*
09:51 < mhansen>  *
09:51 < mhansen>  *         if __fmpq_poly_den_is_one(a):
09:51 < mhansen>  *             __fmpq_poly_den_fit_limbs(q, limbs)
         # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
09:51 < mhansen>  *             fmpz_pow_ui(q.den, lead, m)
09:51 < mhansen>  *         else:
09:51 < mhansen>  */
09:51 < mhansen>
09:51 < mhansen>
09:57 -!- SPancratz [n=su...@] has left #sage-devel []
09:57 -!- SPancratz [n=su...@] has joined #sage-devel
09:57 < SPancratz> mhansen: I can't see anything there that should be
going wrong
10:03 < SPancratz> mhansen:  I just found that strange behaviour that
breaks my other code right now.
10:03 < SPancratz> Say F = Frac(ZZ['t']), Q = (t-3)/(t-1), then Q has
parent F.  But setting R = (3/7) * Q, R has parent Frac(QQ['t']).
10:04 < SPancratz> Would you know how one can change that?
10:08 < mhansen> Yeah
10:08 -!- zirpu [n=zi...@nefud.org] has left #sage-devel []
10:10 < SPancratz> On which level is that happening?
10:10 < SPancratz> A quick fix on my end would be to always coerce the
result back into the ring I want, but that seems like creating to much
overhead.  (Not on this occasion, but in principle)
10:13 < mhansen> It's with the coercion system.
10:14 < SPancratz> Should I file a bug report for that?  (I won't be
able to do anything about it at the moment because I don't know the
coercion system well enough.)
10:18 < mhansen> Let me try something.
10:22 < mhansen> sage: F = Frac(ZZ['t'])
10:22 < mhansen> sage: F.has_coerce_map_from(QQ)
10:22 < mhansen> True
10:22 < mhansen> sage: f = F.random_element()
10:22 -!- williamstein-zzz [n=willi...@] has quit []
10:22 < mhansen> sage: f
10:22 < mhansen> (t^2 + 2*t + 1)/(-t^2 + 2*t - 1)
10:22 < mhansen> sage: g = 1/2 * f; g
10:22 < mhansen> (t^2 + 2*t + 1)/(-2*t^2 + 4*t - 2)
10:22 < mhansen> sage: g.parent()
10:22 < mhansen> Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t
over Integer Ring
10:22 < mhansen>
10:23 < mhansen> Here's one way to do it http://sage.pastebin.com/m56acd5e7
10:23 < mhansen> Not the most exact, but...
10:48 < SPancratz> mhansen:  Thank you very much for the help
10:49 < mhansen> No problem.
10:49 < SPancratz> I have to leave in a few minutes; I've been in the
office for long enough today I think.  Perhaps I'll be online again
later tonight at home.  Bye!
10:51 -!- SPancratz [n=su...@] has left #sage-devel []
10:54 -!- pearu [n=pe...@] has joined #sage-devel
10:57 -!- williamstein
[n=willi...@d-69-91-159-214.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined
10:59 -!- williamstein
[n=willi...@d-69-91-159-214.dhcp4.washington.edu] has quit [Client
11:07 -!- mnick [n=...@e181107125.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit ["leaving"]
11:10 -!- mvngu is now known as mvngu|afk
11:15 -!- jbosman [n=quas...@] has quit [Remote closed
the connection]
11:35 -!- prometheus1809 [n=prome...@] has quit ["Leaving"]
11:54 -!- williamstein
[n=willi...@d-69-91-159-214.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined
12:12 < timdumol> williamstein: You there?
12:12 < williamstein> yes
12:13 < williamstein> just got out of the faculty meeting.
12:13 < williamstein> UW math isn't broke :-)
12:13 < timdumol> Great to know :))
12:13 < timdumol> Great timing. I think I finally got the introspection to work.
12:14 < timdumol> williamstein: Nevermind. I missed a TODO.
12:15 < williamstein> ?
12:15 < timdumol> Just need to generate a confdir, then it should work.
12:16 < timdumol> It works with access to SAGE_DOC. But since that
can't be assumed, I guess a confdir will have to be generated.
12:20 < mhansen> jason-: Are you reviewing #7007?
12:20 < jason-> now, or in general?
12:21 < mhansen> In general
12:21 < mhansen> It does fix #5755
12:21 < jason-> let me look...
12:22 < mhansen> It's just basically two changes to a regex and then
fallout from that.
12:22 < jason-> wow, that's quite a fallout
12:23 < jason-> so you just added "(\.0+)?" to the regex?
12:23 < jason-> it's just a printing issue?
12:24 < williamstein> timdumol -- I think SAGE_DOC can be assumed, right?
12:24 < williamstein> at least SAGE_dOC in the worksheet process.
12:25 < williamstein> If the worksheet process is a running copy of
*SAGE* then we have SAGE_DOC.
12:25 < williamstein> If it isn't, then we don't do Sphinx.
12:25 < williamstein> Since without Sage we only have PYthon and no
guarantee of any Sphinx stuff.
12:25 < williamstein> And anyways, Sphinx support without Sage can be
added later.
12:25 < mhansen> jason-: Yeah.  It removed stuff like 1*x from
everything else before.
12:26 < jason-> yes, I see.  So this is more consistent now.
12:26 < timdumol> williamstein: Alright. But I think I've gotten the
confdir generation done already anyways. A tad inefficient though.
12:26 < williamstein> Hey, nice work.
12:26 < williamstein> That's even better of course.
12:26 < jason-> mhansen: what about the latex representation, though?
12:27 < jason-> _latex_ still has the old replace, it looks like
12:28 < mhansen> Yep, you're right.  I didn't about that.
12:30 -!- pearu [n=pe...@] has quit ["Leaving."]
12:30 < mhansen> (Since it wasn't relevant to the title of the ticket :-) )
12:30 < jason-> yeah, I know..
12:31 < jason-> but since you're already knee-deep in the code
12:31 < mhansen> Yep -- I'll do it now.
12:41 < mhansen> jason-: New patch is up.
12:45 < timdumol> williamstein: K. Finally done with the docstrings.
I'm going to post the patch on trac now.
12:45 < williamstein> excellent
12:45 < williamstein> i'll try it
12:46 < jason-> mhansen: thanks
12:50 < timdumol> williamstein: Patch up at #7076
12:50 < williamstein> ok, trying now.
12:50 < williamstein> timdumol -- and thanks for doing this, since I
was really procrastinating it!
12:51 < timdumol> williamstein: No prob. It's been a great learning experience.
12:51 < williamstein> And factoring the code out like you did is
awesome, since it will make it much easier to make a sphinxify command
line tool, etc.
12:52 < williamstein> If you ever need a letter of recommendation,
don't hesitate to ask me.
12:52 < timdumol> williamstein: Actually, I'm reasonably certain it
should work as a command line tool already.
12:52 < williamstein> cool.
12:52 < timdumol> williamstein: Thanks a lot.
12:53 < jason-> mhansen: so far, it looks great.  Thanks!  Can you
address kcrisman's comments on the ticket though?
12:53 < mhansen> Sure, but it's about bedtime for me.
12:53 < mhansen> If you'd also weigh in, that'd be good.
12:53 < jason-> okay.  I'm finishing a few doctests
12:54 < jason-> I'll post positive review (since it's just a printing issue)
12:54 < timdumol> It's a bit late here (4 AM). I think I'll sleep now. Bye.
12:54 -!- timdumol is now known as timdumol-asleep
12:55 < jason-> I guess the question is if there is a distinction, if
x=polygen(RR), between x the variable and the polynomial 1.0000000*x
12:55 < jason-> williamstein might be able to give a nice
authoritative answer...
12:55 < mhansen> Well, we have no datatype for representing the variable itself.
12:56 < jason-> aah, okay, that does change things
12:56 < jason-> so the variables literally are the polynomials like 1.00000*x?
12:56 < williamstein> jason- -- yep
12:56 < mhansen> Yeah
12:57 < jason-> can you explain this, then:
12:57 < jason-> sage: x=polygen(RDF)
12:57 < jason-> sage: x is 1*x
12:57 < jason-> False
12:57 < jason-> sage: (1*x).variables()[0] is x
12:57 < jason-> True
12:57 < jason-> if x the variable really is 1*x
12:58 < mhansen> If the generator is cached, then you get the above behavior.
12:58 < jason-> okay
12:58 < mhansen> 1*x creates a new polynomial in memory.
12:59 < jason-> sure, okay.
12:59 < jason-> so positive review, then.
13:00 < jason-> now I have to remember what I was doing when I ran
across the issue...
13:02 -!- mhansen is now known as mhansen-sleep
13:02 < jason-> thanks again mhansen-sleep

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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