When a new release is made, the person releasing that will generally
start an email with the subject

"Sage x.y.z is released" or similar.

and then give a link to the release.

99% of people asking questions about the release, or reporting
problems, simply reply to that, so the subject remains the same.

Would it not be more sensible if people used a title such as

* Sage x.y.x has 10 doctest failues with  on OS X
* "Sage x.y.z dumps core on Redhat linux"
* MPIR a.b.c in Sage x.y.z refuses to build on Solaris"

or something else a bit more informative? In othe words, put the
version of Sage in the title, but make the rest of the subject a bit
more informative that just "Sage x.y.z released"

It would make finding things of interst a lot easier, if the titles
were a bit more informative.


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