This is a question about class design in SAGE.

I'm going to implement classes for various flavors of decision
diagrams using the outside package CUDD.  It turns out that Cudd and
its library is already part of SAGE -- it's included as part of
Polybori (which uses it "under the covers").  The interface is in the
directory SAGE_ROOT/include/cudd/cudd.h and the library is is in

Decision diagrams are a particular implementation of Boolean
Functions.  They have some relation to things like
BooleanPolynomialRing, but are definitely different.  There are three
main flavors of decision diagrams in Cudd:

1) Binary decision diagrams, or BDD's
2) Algebraic decision diagrams, or ADD'
3) Zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams, or ZDD's

The first and the third are two different kind of implementations of
functions from Boolean n-tuples to booleans.  The second is an
implementation of functions from Boolean n-tuples to some sort of
algebraic system (usually the integers, or the reals, though sometimes
it is a "tropical ring" -- as an aside do they exist in SAGE?).

I would expect that a "correct" implementation of these objects would
be somewhat analogous to the implementation of multivariate
polynomials (or perhaps infinite polynomial rings -- since, using
Cudd, one is allowed to add more variables dynamically).  Cudd
implements things by using was it calls a "manager".  A manager is a
large heap which contains variousl interconnected objects -- a mixture
of all three of the above, with a fixed variable order for all of the
objects there (variable order is critical in decision diagrams).  Cudd
has functions to convert betweeen the various objects, some of which
can be considered standard coercions:


but not ADD --> BDD (even though there are various conversions).  In
order to invoke such functions they must "live" in the same manager.
Almost all of the calls to Cudd library functions need to pass a
pointer to the manager that contains the objects.  So I would expect
some sort of class hierarchy:

BooleanFunctionBase -- which would initialize a manager, and remember

BDD, ADD and ZDD -- which would like a polynomial ring


BDDElement, ADDElement and ZDDElement

The latter 3 would then allow various boolean operations betwee such
elements, and allowing the automatic coercions that I described above.

So the real question is what sort of things that I have to attend to
in order to get the above implemented.  In general, I would expect
that most of the use of these functions would have everything using
one global manager (would I use something in UniqueFactory for
that?).  However, I can imagine circumstances where one would like to
use separate managers (since it's possible that the variable orders
might need to be radically different).

There's also the question of pickling, and extracting an external
representation.  I can't imagine that one could pickle things by
saving the entire Cudd heap.  Therefore it would also be necessary to
have some sort of "external" representation.  It turns out that all 3
DD's are represented by what amounts to a labeled DAG, so that
representation makes the most sense.  Using Cudd functions one can
build up the Cudd internal representation from a DAG representation in
time proportional to the number of nodes of the DAG.

So, I would appreciate any specific advice about how I should do this.


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