
I'm running Sage Version 3.4.1 on ubuntu 8.04.

I'm trying to implement latex(G) for a graph G. After creating my own
branch to work in I executed the command

sage -b

to build the library and got no errors.

Within the latex(G) procedure I have this fragment of code

for u in self:
                # then specify the color of the label
                s = s + '\color{' + color_names[ color_names[ u ] ] +
                if vertex_math:
                    s = s+'$'
                s = s+str(latex(u))
                if vertex_math:
                    s = s+'$'
                s = s+'},\n'

As you can observe, the function latex(u) is used, where u is a
vertex, and this is what I get in sage

sage: G=graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: latex(G)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/home/fidel/<ipython console> in <module>()

in latex(x)
    138 def latex(x):
    139     if hasattr(x, '_latex_'):
--> 140         return LatexExpr(x._latex_())
    142     for k, f in latex_table.iteritems():

graph.pyc in _latex_(self, layout, bb, units, prefix, vertex_math,
style, vertex_color, edge_color, label_color, labels)
    778                 if vertex_math:
    779                     s = s+'$'
--> 780                 s = s+str(latex(u))
    781                 if vertex_math:
    782                     s = s+'$'

NameError: global name 'latex' is not defined

Is there a package I should import to avoid getting this message?

Please let me know if you would like to see the whole graph.py file or
if you need more information about this.


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