The following bug was reported on sage-support, which I was able to 
reproduce on 9.7.beta7.

sage: H = PermutationGroup([[(1,2), (3,4)], [(5,6,7),(12,14,18)]])
sage: kH = H.algebra(GF(2))
sage: H.gens()
((5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4))
sage: a, b = H.gens()
sage: x = kH(a) + kH(b) +; x
(5,6,7)(12,14,18) + (1,2)(3,4) + ()
sage: x*x
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: There is a bug in the coercion code in Sage.
Both x (=()) and y (=(5,6,7)(12,14,18)) are supposed to have identical 
parents but they don't.
In fact, x has parent 'Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]'
whereas y has parent 'Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 
Original elements () (parent Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and (5,6,7)(12,14,18) (parent Permutation 
Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and maps
<class 'NoneType'> None
<class 'sage.structure.coerce_maps.DefaultConvertMap_unique'> (map internal 
to coercion system -- copy before use)
Coercion map:
  From: Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]
  To:   Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]

I'm confused about why this is happening because

sage: kH(a).parent()
Algebra of Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 
(1,2)(3,4)] over Finite Field of size 2
Algebra of Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 
(1,2)(3,4)] over Finite Field of size 2
sage: kH(a).parent() is

which I would think should mean that the condition on line 1323 of 
sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx that the parents are the same should be 
tripped, but for some reason, it is not. I printed the hash of the parents 
right before the bug (added it in between lines 1322 and 1323)  and they 
have the same hash (547464660303730434), so I am surprised that they are 
not considered the same. They are however recognized to be equal, and so 
the elif statment checking if they are equal (on line 1327) is triggered, 
but then the coercion of y_elt to parent(x_elt) on line 1329 seems to fail, 
so that the parent comparison on 1330 still fails, kicking it out to the 
coercion error.

I'm unsure how to fix this but am willing to do the legwork to fix it if 
anyone can explain the problem. 


Full traceback:

sage: H = PermutationGroup([[(*1*,*2*), (*3*,*4*)], [(*5*,*6*,*7*),(*12*,

sage: kH = H.algebra(GF(*2*))

sage: H.gens()

((5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4))

sage: a, b = H.gens()

sage: x = kH(a) + kH(b) +; x

(5,6,7)(12,14,18) + (1,2)(3,4) + ()

sage: x*x


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)

Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()

----> 1 x*x

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in 

*   1512* cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)

*   1513* if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):

-> 1514     return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)

*   1515* if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):

*   1516*     return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1560, in 

*   1558*         raise bin_op_exception('*', self, other)

*   1559*     else:

-> 1560         return python_op(other)

*   1561* 

*   1562* cdef _mul_long(self, long n):

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/coercion_methods.pyx:53, in 

*     51*     True

*     52* """

---> 53 return (<Element>self)._parent.product(self, other)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/, in 
left, right)

*    201* *def* _product_from_product_on_basis_multiply( self, left, right 

*    202*     r*"""*

*    203* *    Compute the product of two elements by extending*

*    204* *    bilinearly the method :meth:`product_on_basis`.*


*    213* 

*    214* *    """*

--> 215     *return* self.linear_combination((self.product_on_basis(mon_left, 
mon_right), coeff_left * coeff_right )

*    216*                                     *for* (mon_left, coeff_left) 
*in* left.monomial_coefficients().items()

*    217*                                     *for* (mon_right, 
coeff_right) *in* right.monomial_coefficients().items() )

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/combinat/, in 
CombinatorialFreeModule.linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    945* *def* linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    946*     r*"""*

*    947* *    Return the linear combination `\lambda_1 v_1 + \cdots +*

*    948* *    \lambda_k v_k` (resp.  the linear combination `v_1 \lambda_1 


*    967* *        20*B[1] + 20*B[2]*

*    968* *    """*

--> 969     *return* 

*    970*                                                     *for* element, 
coeff *in* iter_of_elements_coeff),

*    971*                                                    

*    972*                            remove_zeros=*False*)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/data_structures/blas_dict.pyx:313, in 

*    311*     return remove_zeros(result)

*    312* 

--> 313 cpdef dict linear_combination(dict_factor_iter, bint 

*    314*     r"""

*    315*     Return the pointwise addition of dictionaries with 

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/data_structures/blas_dict.pyx:348, in 

*    346* cdef dict D

*    347* 

--> 348 for D, a in dict_factor_iter:

*    349*     if not a: # We multiply by 0, so nothing to do

*    350*         continue

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/combinat/, in 

*    945* *def* linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    946*     r*"""*

*    947* *    Return the linear combination `\lambda_1 v_1 + \cdots +*

*    948* *    \lambda_k v_k` (resp.  the linear combination `v_1 \lambda_1 


*    967* *        20*B[1] + 20*B[2]*

*    968* *    """*

--> 969     *return* 

*    970*                                                     *for* element, 
coeff *in* iter_of_elements_coeff),

*    971*                                                    

*    972*                            remove_zeros=*False*)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/, in 

*    201* *def* _product_from_product_on_basis_multiply( self, left, right 

*    202*     r*"""*

*    203* *    Compute the product of two elements by extending*

*    204* *    bilinearly the method :meth:`product_on_basis`.*


*    213* 

*    214* *    """*

--> 215     *return* self.linear_combination((self.product_on_basis(mon_left, 
mon_right), coeff_left * coeff_right )

*    216*                                     *for* (mon_left, coeff_left) 
*in* left.monomial_coefficients().items()

*    217*                                     *for* (mon_right, 
coeff_right) *in* right.monomial_coefficients().items() )

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/, in 
Semigroups.Algebras.ParentMethods.product_on_basis(self, g1, g2)

*    939* *def* product_on_basis(self, g1, g2):

*    940*     r*"""*

*    941* *    Product, on basis elements, as per*

*    942* *    


*    955* *        B['ab'] + B['bdc']*

*    956* *    """*

--> 957     *return* self.monomial(g1 * g2)

~/Applications/sage/src/sage/groups/perm_gps/permgroup_element.pyx:1295, in 

*   1293*             return prod

*   1294* 

-> 1295     return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)

*   1296* 

*   1297* cpdef _mul_(left, _right):

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1200, in 

*   1198* # Now coerce to a common parent and do the operation there

*   1199* try:

-> 1200     xy = self.canonical_coercion(x, y)

*   1201* except TypeError:

*   1202*     self._record_exception()

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1332, in 

*   1330*         if x_elt._parent is y_elt._parent:

*   1331*             return x_elt,y_elt

-> 1332     self._coercion_error(x, x_map, x_elt, y, y_map, y_elt)

*   1333* 

*   1334* cdef bint x_numeric = isinstance(x, (int, long, float, complex))

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:2031, in 

*   2029*             <class 'str'> 'g'

*   2030*         """

-> 2031         raise RuntimeError("""There is a bug in the coercion code 
in Sage.

*   2032* Both x (=%r) and y (=%r) are supposed to have identical parents 
but they don't.

*   2033* In fact, x has parent '%s'

RuntimeError: There is a bug in the coercion code in Sage.

Both x (=()) and y (=(5,6,7)(12,14,18)) are supposed to have identical 
parents but they don't.

In fact, x has parent 'Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]'

whereas y has parent 'Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 

Original elements () (parent Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and (5,6,7)(12,14,18) (parent Permutation 
Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and maps

<class 'NoneType'> None

<class 'sage.structure.coerce_maps.DefaultConvertMap_unique'> (map internal 
to coercion system -- copy before use)

Coercion map:

  From: Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]

  To:   Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]

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