(index of previous posts: https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/29705)

Here I will summarize the *technological constraints of modern Python 
packaging* that a design of modularized distributions must respect.

*1. *Two granularities matter for the modularization: The smallest unit is 
a Python/Cython module. Several modules are packaged together in a distribution 
("distribution", "pip-installable package"). There are no technical 
constraints on what modules can go into which distribution. We can 
partition a package like "sage.misc" and ship the modules from it as parts 
of 5 different distributions.

*2. *Any installation of a distribution in source format ("sdist") first 
builds a wheel package (which contains the compiled versions of any Cython 
modules); distributions can run arbitrary code during the build. Then the 
wheel is installed, which means that a zip file is unpacked into the 
site-packages directory. There is no such thing as a script that would run 
at the time of installing a wheel.

*3.* Distribution packages declare build dependencies and runtime 
other Python distribution packages). These two can be entirely unrelated to 
each other. In addition to the runtime dependencies, it is possible to 
declare extra dependencies – either those necessary for running tests 
or for providing advertised  
But there is no such thing as an "optional build dependency" or 
"conditional compilation". The set of modules that form a distribution 
package is static. There is no place in the name (or metadata) of a wheel 
package that could indicate different "configurations".

*4. *As a result of 3, it is possible to create distributions that contain 
some modules that cannot be imported because some of their dependencies are 
missing. That's OK; they can become importable simply by the presence of 
other distributions, in particular those declared as extra dependencies. 
All of this is discovered at the time of importing a module; there is no 
ahead-of-time linking step of any sort.

And here are some *desirable criteria* for designing the set of modularized 

*5.* Not too fine-grained. As one of the extremes, each of our ~3000 
modules could of course be shipped in a separate distribution – guaranteed 
to allow users to install exactly the modules needed for a specific task, 
but would obviously leave the user alone with the task of putting together 
something works. 

*6. *Each distribution should not depend on too many non-Python 
dependencies. This is so that when users of a modularized distribution make 
their first step to contributing to it (perhaps fixing a bug), we do not 
want to have to tell them "if you want to make this contribution, you 
either first have to become a real SageMath user and install all of this... 
or do all your development in our magic cloud environment."

*7. *Each distribution should include much fewer Cython modules than the 
570 that make up the Sage library. Compilation times matter to users and 
developers; and remember, there's no such thing as conditional compilation. 
On the other hand, the number of Python modules shipped by a distribution 
does not matter all that much.

*8. *Discoverability: The modularized distributions should make it easy for 
users to understand which of them will be needed and should make it 
convenient to install extra features. At the Sage or IPython prompt, make 
it convenient for users to discover functionality that has not been 
installed yet -- both ahead of time and after an exception due to a missing 
feature is raised.

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