
Today I was looking at live documentation a bit, I noticed that there
is an issue with multiline live documentation. I don't have rc of 4.7
around so I'd like to confirm that this is still an issue, if it is
(and there is no patch in the trac yet, which I did not found with
simple search, but this doesn't tell that there is no such ticket yet)
I will make a ticket about it and submit patch against 4.6.2 (sorry,
don't have time to update this week). But to the issue...

While as I believe normal worksheet cuts out "sage:" together with all
spaces and 3 dots together with one space after it in examples, the
live version made from HTML cuts 3 dots only without space after them
(see lines 182-183 of sagenb/notebook/docHTMLProcessor.py). It results
in interact written like:

sage: @interact
... def...

work in notebook when pasted into cell, but when viewed in live docs, it is:

 def ...

(with space before "def") and thus it generates "IndentationError:
unexpected indent" - for all cases where first line of multiline input
should be aligned with next lines (like decorated stuff for example)
it makes live documentation cells broken. It's best seen in @interact
documentation in live reference manual.

As far as I tested the behaviour of "sage:" and "... " in notebook, I
believe it is safe to just cut out 4 characters together with space
instead of only three dots, am I right or I missed something?


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