In, we (this is mainly Moritz 
Firsching) implement a new iterator for permutation groups using stabilizer 
chains. Indeed, the multiplication of permutations seems to be faster than 
in gap so we hope this method to be really fast in the end...

The bottleneck now is that we call


for a permutation group self and this is done doing tons of back and forth 
translations between sage and gap using the pexpect interface (if I 
understand it correctly).

I now have reimplemented the computation of the strong generating system 
directly in gap, and now the remaining bottleneck is to turn the gap 
permutations back to sage permutations. So my question is

    What is the currently fastest way to turn gap permutations into sage 

Here is the code:
def SGS_old(G): # taken from strong_generating_system
    sgs = []
    stab = G
    base = G.base()
    for j in base:
        stab = stab.stabilizer(j)
    return sgs

def SGS_new(G, gap_output=True):
    S = G._gap_().StabChain()
    cosets = S.CosetsStabChain()
    if gap_output:
        return cosets                           #  <-------

    elt_class = G._element_class()
    gap2sage = lambda elt: elt_class(elt, G, check=False)
    return [ [ gap2sage(elt) for elt in coset]  #  <-------
             for coset in cosets ]              #  <-------

gap_cosets = """CosetsStabChain := function ( S )
    local   cosets,             # element list, result
            new_coset,          # 
            pnt,                # point in the orbit of <S>
            rep;                # inverse representative for that point

    # if <S> is trivial then it is easy
    if Length(S.generators) = 0  then
        cosets := [ [S.identity] ];

    # otherwise

        # compute the elements of the stabilizer
        cosets := CosetsStabChain( S.stabilizer );

        # loop over all points in the orbit
        new_coset := [];
        for pnt  in S.orbit  do

            # add the corresponding coset to the set of elements
            rep := S.identity;
            while S.orbit[1] ^ rep <> pnt  do
                 rep := LeftQuotient( S.transversal[pnt/rep], rep );
            Add( new_coset, rep );
        Add( cosets, new_coset );

   # return the result
   return cosets;

and here is the test case to look at:

sage: sage: p = [(i,i+1) for i in range(1,601,2)]
....: sage: q = [tuple(range(1+i,601,3)) for i in range(3)]
....: sage: A = PermutationGroup([p,q])

sage: %time XX = SGS_old(A)
CPU times: user 3.67 s, sys: 664 ms, total: 4.34 s
Wall time: 4.45 s

sage: %time XX = SGS_new(A, True)
CPU times: user 4.94 ms, sys: 712 µs, total: 5.65 ms
Wall time: 14 ms

sage: %time XX = SGS_new(A, False)
CPU times: user 2.48 s, sys: 116 ms, total: 2.59 s
Wall time: 2.61 s

so the actual strong generating system is computed very fast in gap in 
SGS_new(A, True) while casting the output into sage in SGS_new(A, False) 
then takes forever.

Thanks for your help -- I would expect this fast iteration will help not 
help my code to be faster!


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