Hello everybody !!!

I recently asked a question here : I have a set of points in R^n (or
C^n, or any vectorial space for the matter..), to which is associated
a set of values. Said differently, I have a function whose values I
only know at several points. I then would like, given a degree d, to
find a polynomial function of maximum degree d that goes through all
these points.

As Jason mentionned it in
it seems to be the Chebyshev approximation defined in

Well, this approximation actually only works for dimension 1, while I
needed it in higher dimension. I wrote this functions, which is
basically the inversion of a matrix once everything is defined, and
thought it could be good to have it in Sage. Sadly, I know next to
nothing in this field of mathematics, and I am not sure my code is
clever/optimal. Besides, what is the best option ? Include it in
MPMaths ( fron which Jason found the approximation, or directly into
Sage ? )

Thank you for your help !


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