Dear sage-devel,

The recently merged Pynac 0.1.9 now automatically evaluates
"inexact" (whatever that means) input to most functions, like trig,
gamma, etc.

Should it do this for rationals?  See #5556, in particular, where this
causes confusion.  What is actually going on is that gamma(3/4)
automatically has prec=53, but then calling .n(100) semi-randomly
"improves" upon that, which is documented as a no-no elsewhere.  But
in this case it's not obvious how to obtain extra precision except by
passing in a RealField(100) element or something, as opposed to sqrt
(though sqrt seems to be unique in this regard).

My thought is that rationals are "exact" enough that maybe they
shouldn't be autoevaluated, but I don't know what the consensus would
be on that.  Thoughts?  Or maybe we should just add a 'prec' keyword
to all known symbolic functions.

Unfortunately all this stuff is sort of hidden in the Pynac spkg
rather than being easy to get at.  I understand the rationale behind
that, but it's still unfortunate that one would have to make a new
spkg to fix something like this (if indeed it needs fixing).

- kcrisman
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