Re: [sage-devel] Recommended way to implement division for RingElement

2019-09-22 Thread TB
On 21/09/2019 11:44, Simon King wrote: Hi! Let R be a ring that is an F-vector space, for some field F. Let x,y be elements of R and c be an element of F. If I understand correctly, in order to implement x/y, one should provide a single underscore method x._div_. But what should one provide for

[sage-devel] Recommended way to implement division for RingElement

2019-09-21 Thread Simon King
Hi! Let R be a ring that is an F-vector space, for some field F. Let x,y be elements of R and c be an element of F. If I understand correctly, in order to implement x/y, one should provide a single underscore method x._div_. But what should one provide for x/c? It seems that the default behaviour