
I recently implemented Puiseux series expansions in Sage and I would like to 
make this available in Sage to everyone. However, I was hoping for some 
suggestions as to where to place this code before I go any further.

First of all, Puiseux series 
are power series that allow for fractional exponents. They're useful in the 
theory of algebraic curves. On a smooth point on a (complex) algebraic curve 
f(x,y)=0 we can represent y=y(x) locally by a power series. We cannot 
represent y(x) as a power series at a branch point / singular point of the 
curve but we can do so with a, or several, Puiseux series.

These local representations have applications in computing integral bases 
and the basis of the cohomology of the Riemann surface corresponding to the 
algebraic curve. These, amongst other applications, are things that I'm 
working on implementing into Sage for my research.

I'm interested in Puiseux expansions only for algebraic curve so one 
possible location for this code is as a method under s
constructing a multi-
variate polynomial over QQ[x,y] using PolynomialRing or when taking a 
symbolic expression in two variables and using the 
Expression.polynomial() method this is the type received in return.

Another possibility is just writing puiseux as a module-level function. 
Suggestions as to where to place this is welcome.

Chris Swierczewski
University of Washington
Department of Applied Mathematics

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