Hello all,

A few months ago i wrote a large SageMathCloud worksheet based on 
BooleanFunction, e.g.
(This SageMathCloud worksheet is much too long, and badly needs 

I am now attempting to put the code into a more usable form, and am finding 
some seeming inconsistencies in BooleanFunction. Should I use Trac to 
report these as bugs?

(1) You can create a BooleanFunction of 0 variables (a constant), but you 
cannot save it to a file. Same with a BooleanFunction of 1 variable.

sage: save_file=os.path.join(SAGE_TMP,'save_file.sobj')
sage: print save_file
sage: b0=BooleanFunction([0])
sage: print b0.truth_table()
sage: print b0.nvariables()
sage: save(b0,save_file)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-0ddfad8f6d36> in <module>()
----> 1 save(b0,save_file)

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.save 

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in 

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in 

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in 

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in 

sage/rings/integer.pyx in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__lshift__ 

ValueError: negative shift count

sage: b1.truth_table()
(False, True)
sage: b1.nvariables()
sage: save(b1,save_file)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-f5c8864359bd> in <module>()
----> 1 save(b1,save_file)

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.save 

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in 

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in 

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in 

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in 

sage/rings/integer.pyx in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__lshift__ 

ValueError: negative shift count

sage: b2.truth_table()
(False, True, True, False)
sage: b2.nvariables()
sage: save(b2,save_file)

This causes a problem for me, because I am trying to generate and save 
lists of Boolean functions of 2*m variables for m from 0 to some fixed 
number, and cannot save the list because I can't save the first element.
My work around would be to start from m=1.

(2) You cannot evaluate the algebraic normal form of a BooleanFunction of 0 
variables. In addition, the error message incorrectly says that the number 
of variables must be greater than 1, but you *can* evaluate the algebraic 
normal form of a function of 1 variable.

sage: b0.algebraic_normal_form()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-8dd0bae0cd3a> in <module>()
----> 1 b0.algebraic_normal_form()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in 

sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.pyx in 

ValueError: Number of variables must be greater than 1.
sage: b1.algebraic_normal_form()
sage: b2.algebraic_normal_form()
x0 + x1

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