
I've submitted a patch


for making "binomial" work as one would
expect for symbolic expressions, in cases like this:

sage: n=var('n')
sage: binomial(n+1,n-1)
n*(n + 1)/2

by defining binomial(x,m)=binomial(x,x-m) whenever x-m is an

This would be consistent with the way in which Maxima defines the
binomial function.


is it reasonable to treat the symbolic variable n  as an integer?. In
this case, I think that this will give the results that one would

However, in gemeral, I think that having domains for symbolic
variables would be essential for performing symbolic calculations, and
get correct results (but certainly could make a CAS much more

Currently Sage does not have a way to specify
that a symbolic variable belongs to a certain domain (for example that
n is a symbolic variable
representing an integer). I think that, the calculus package
implicitly assumes that symbolic variable represents a real number.
[In fact, I think that Axiom is the only free CAS with this feature,
but I'm not sure about that]

Consider for example the expression


If x is a real number, it can be simplified to


However, if x where known to be a positive real number, it could be
simplified to


On the other hand, if x is a complex number, that expression could be
problematic (since it depends on choosing a branch for the square root)

Another classical example is the binomial  (x+y)^2=x^2 + 2xy + y^2
that holds if x and y commute. If one wants to build a CAS that can operate
on non commuting objects, it is essential to have domains for symbolic

just to share some ideas on that...


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