I have had some issues in the tutorial but I am a newbie so I wanted
to check here before thinking these were errors in Sage rather than
errors in me.

1) at 
it seems to met that z(1) \aprox 0.65  NOT 0.75

2) regarding polynomials in the tutorial: 

Does the following session:

    sage: R = QQ['t']
    sage: t in R
    NameError                                 Traceback (most recent
call last)

    /home/brett/Projects/SAGE/sage-4.1/<ipython console> in <module>()

    NameError: name 't' is not defined
    sage: S.<t> = QQ['t']
    sage: t in S
    sage: t in R

contradict the statement "However, this does not define the symbol t
for use in Sage, so you cannot use it to enter a polynomial (such as
t^2+1) belonging to R"?

3) In Linear Algebra (http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/
tour_linalg.html#sparse-linear-algebra) I am not sure what "The multi-
modular algorithm in Sage is good for square matrices (but not so good
for non-square matrices):" is supposed to mean since I do not notice
any difference in output.  What should I expect to see differently?

4) In "Timing commands" (http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/
interactive_shell.html#timing-commands)  the difference between
"%time" and "time" is never explained.  Calling time? and %time? seem
to indicate that these are the same, but the tutorial's switch from
one to the other with no explanation is a bit confusing.


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