Re: [sage-devel] numerical_approx for polynomials

2019-05-30 Thread Thierry
Hi, i would prefer to raise an error promoting the use of change_ring (same for matrices), which allows more tuning on the base ring. By the way, note that the best approx with floating-point coefficients (e.g. for the sup norm on [-1,1]), is not necessarilly obtained with the best approx on each

[sage-devel] numerical_approx for polynomials

2019-05-30 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear devs, Is it fine if I implement numerical_approx on polynomials by calling it recursively on coefficients? For example, we would have sage: x = polygen(QQ) sage: p = 1343235439458/23 * x^2 - 234 / 143425*x + 1432/6512 sage: p.numerical_approx() 5.8401540846e10*x^2 - 0.00163151472895241*