I would like to report a minor problem compiling sage
* my environment:

    laptop running Fedora

    with the intle mkl libraries (blas, lapack) installed

    environmental variables CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS

    are set to point to the intel include and lib directories respectively.

problems building sage 2.10.1

*  two packages configured themselves to use intel's libraries,

    but tried to link (both!) -lmkl_lapack64 and -lmkl_lapack32
    (I lost the log, but I believe they were numpy and scipy)

    work-around: I created links in /usr/local/lib to point libmkl_lapack32.so
    and libmkl_lapack64.so to $INTEL_MKL/lib/32/libmkl_lapack.so

* a question about the R package:
    I would prefer to have R installed only once, but I require some config
    My current method is to 
    1) use "sage -sh" to set the environmental variables,
    2) untar the R package, 
    3) modify the configure line to read

          ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL" \
                  --with-recommended-packages=yes \
                  --enable-R-shlib \
                  --with-x=$XSUPPORT \
                  --with-readline="$SAGE_LOCAL" \
                  --with-blas="-lmkl -lguide -lpthread" \
     4) make and install R
 restore a saved version of the R library directory
         (where R installs  optional packages) 

         - is there a way to streamline this? (I could always
            write a shell script...)
            Having the script not erase the R/library subdirectory
            in the first place would be a big plus
         - since sage developers readily modify packages,
            is there an easy way to find out whether R might
            have been
            (possibly requiring reinstallation
            of all my additional R packages?)
PS: thank you all for all the work you are doing, sage is proving
very useful indeed!

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