
I'm considering opening a ticket for the implementation of weighted 
projective spaces (in a class of its own). I think it could be quite useful 
in general but there are also algebraic varieties already in Sage for which 
weighted projective space is a natural habitat (like hyperelliptic curves).

Does this sound like a good idea? Or is it superfluous?

Are there tickets on this already?

Any ideas of how it can be done? For example, does anyone know how it is 
done in Magma?

Some technical remarks: it might be that the work is essentially already 
done in connection with toric varieties. I'm not sure exactly which 
functionalities I would like, but at least I want to construct them by 
simply giving the weights and also define subschemes by giving a bunch of 
weighted homogenous polynomials. Perhaps test smoothness of such subschemes 
etc. Maybe weighted projective spaces should be constructed as toric 
varieties. Or perhaps it is better to make an independent implementation of 
them. Any thoughts?


/David Eklund

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