Hi all,
new OpenOpt suite v 0.51 has been released:

   - Some improvements for  FuncDesigner <http://openopt.org/FuncDesigner>  
   automatic differentiation and QP <http://openopt.org/QP> 
   - FuncDesigner now can model sparse (MI)(QC)QP 
   - Octave QP <http://openopt.org/QP> solver has been connected 
   - MATLAB <http://openopt.org/MATLAB> solvers linprog 
   quadprog (QP <http://openopt.org/QP>), lsqlin 
   bintprog (MILP <http://openopt.org/MILP>) 
   - New NLP <http://openopt.org/NLP> solver: knitro<http://openopt.org/knitro> 
   - Some elements of 2nd order interval analysis, mostly for interalg 
   - Some interalg <http://openopt.org/interalg> improvements 
   - interalg <http://openopt.org/interalg> can directly handle (MI)LP and 
   (possibly nonconvex) (MI)(QC)QP 
   - New classes: knapsack problem (KSP <http://openopt.org/KSP>), bin 
   packing problem (BPP <http://openopt.org/BPP>), dominating set problem (
   DSP <http://openopt.org/DSP>) 
   - FuncDesigner can model SOCP <http://openopt.org/SOCP> 
   - SpaceFuncs <http://openopt.org/SpaceFuncs>  has been adjusted for 
   recent versions of Python and NumPy <http://openopt.org/NumPy>

visit http://openopt.org for more details.
Regards, D.

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