
I'm a beginner in python and sage. I'm trying to solve a system of ODE
by the newton method with python by sage. But i have a problem of
memory with Lisp or Maxima when the hessian matrix is calculated. The
process doesn't use the whole 12 giga RAM memory of my 64bits linux
system and  crash  with this message error:

  Maxima ERROR:

kill(sage297)$(%i2196) kill(sage290)$batchload("/.sage//temp/14907//

<sage-display><sage-display><sage-display>GC Warning: Out of Memory!
Returning NIL!

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Memory limit reached. Please jump to an outer point or quit program.

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 1m15.04s, Wall time 5m48.08s).
Exiting spawned Maxima process.

I have installed sage for linux 64bits system. Someone can help me?


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