
I have a few questions concerning GAP interface in Sage 7.x.

I have a permutation group G acting on a set S and I would like to compute 
the representatives of the orbits of G acting on k-sets of S. 

I recall that a while ago I could do the following (as seen on this 

sage: g=SymmetricGroup(7)  
sage: gap("Orbits("+str(g._gap_())+","+str(tuples([1..7],2))+",OnTuples)")

and yes, it works in Sage 6.x. However, in Sage 7.x one gets the following 

TypeError: Gap terminated unexpectedly while reading in a large line:
Gap produced error output
Error, Permutation: cycles must be disjoint and duplicate-free

Given this, I have the following questions

- What is the proper way to call gap in Sage 7x t obtain the orbits of a 
group G acting on k-sets of a set S?
  - (GAP question) I recall there is a way to return only the 
representatives of the orbits? Anyone happens to recall the right GAP 
command for that?
- Does it make sense to add an option for various group actions to Sage 
directly (as is already done for specific orbits ) ?



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