Hi Robert, Jason, et al.

I've got some questions about the functioning of the various
graphs.DegreeSequence functions.

First, just something I'm not familiar with - what is the difference
between DegreeSequence, DegreeSequenceExpected, and
DegreeSequenceTree?  I thought the first and last generate an
arbitrary graph and a tree (if the degree sequences are possible),
respectively, but the documentation for the middle one confuses me,
because it seems to refer to both arbitrary graphs and trees.  I think
this is just terminology from the graph theory world I'm not
conversant with, but any help would be great.

Secondly, I am wondering exactly how the NetworkX Havel-Hakimi
generator works.  I expected that the following would produce two non-
isomorphic graphs in the output:

sage: for x in range(10): show(graphs.DegreeSequence([3,3,3,3,3,3]))

but instead every graph was "two K_3's joined", whatever the correct
terminology for that is, and nary a K_{3,3} in sight.  I don't know
what the "seed" is supposed to be - a graph, an integer - and I'm not
sure if there is anything that would yield K_{3,3} in any case without
starting with it.

Thanks for any help!

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