Possibly related:
- Sage Trac ticket 31890
simplify_hypergeometric is unstable
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I think this illustrates the problem more clearly; possibly related to a
complaint that I got bounced on :)
def H(n,k): return hypergeometric([-k, -n + k], [-k], -1)
def Ha(n,k): return hypergeometric([ -n + k], [], -1)
def T(n,k): return int(H(n,k).n())
def Ta(n,k): return int(Ha(n,k).n())
Please consider
def H(n,k): return hypergeometric([-k, -n + k], [-k], -1)
def T(n,k): return int(H(n,k).n())
def S(n,k): return H(n,k).simplify_hypergeometric()
for n in range(8):
print([T(n, k) for k in range(n+1)])
print([S(n, k) for k in range(n+1)])
The re