I would like to solve a polynomial system over RR in sage. See the toy
example below

    >>> var_names = ['xor_0_7_x0', 'xor_0_7_x12', 'xor_0_7_y0']
    >>> nvars = 3
    >>> R=PolynomialRing(RealField(53), nvars, var_names, order="degneglex")
    >>> a=R.gens()[0]+R.gens()[1]+R.gens()[2]
    >>> b=R.gens()[0]-R.gens()[1]*R.gens()[2]
    >>> s=[a,b]
    >>> s=Sequence([a,b])
    >>> s.solve()

I just defined two polynomial from $R$. But when I tried to solve this
system I get AttributeError: 'Sequence_generic' object has no attribute
D.Sc. Juan del Carmen Grados Vásquez
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Tel: +55 21 97633 3228

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