On Jan 23, 9:30 pm, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> In 2.10 (on 10.4.11), I notice that "readline" is behaving badly:
> If I "^R" and search for a string, and find it, and then either use  
> "^A" or "E" to move to the beginning or end of the found line, I end  
> up with the cursor at the right margin of my Terminal window, and on  
> the line above the now-displayed found line.  If I then type "^L" to  
> redraw the line, I get a prompt asking me if I want to display all  
> 1599 (or some positive number) items that match.
> At this point, not being sure what's going on, I hit "^C" to get back  
> to reality, but this has no effect.  Nothing works until I respond  
> with either 'y' or 'n'.  At this point, things seem to be back to  
> normal on the screen, and with the line editing functions, but it's  
> hard to have confidence that this is so.
> Is this expected?  Is there something borked in my configuration?  
> Anyone seen this?
> Thanks!
> Justin
> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
> Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
> --------
> Men are from Earth.
> Women are from Earth.
>     Deal with it.
> --------

Hmm, that's bothersome.  I've often encountered a related issue.
While tab-completion works fine for commands and methods, in the
command-line (not notebook)

sage: zeta_zeros? [tab]
Display all 1544 possibilities? (y or n)

appears, which is the same as Justin's response.  However,

sage: zeta_zeros? [return]
Type:           function
Base Class:     <type 'function'>

works fine.

On the other hand, in the notebook interface both [tab] and [shift-
enter] work; [shift-enter] stays visible, while [tab] disappears once
you start working elsewhere (which to me is a neat feature, as both of
these are useful, and should be highlighted in documentation).
Somehow this asymmetry with the notebook is disturbing, though I have
no idea whether it is possible to resolve.

Thanks for any thoughts on either of these issues.
- kcrisman
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