On Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 1:34:49 PM UTC-8, slabbe wrote:
> This opens a pdf:
> sage: g = graphs.PetersenGraph()
> sage: s = latex(g)
> sage: view(s, tightpage=True)
> But is there a way to just save that pdf file locally and not open it?

Until you quite the Sage session, the file should be saved some place like 
.sage/temp/HOSTNAME/9348/sage.pdf   (9348 is some random number). So if you 
don't mind having it open, it is available. I thought there was another way 
to do this, but I can't find a simple one. You can do:

   sage: from sage.misc.latex import _latex_file_
   sage: t = _latex_file_(s)   # the contents of the file to be run through 

Or even better, mimic the effects of tightpage=True:

   sage: t = _latex_file_(s, 
        math_left='\\begin{page}$', math_right='$\\end{page}')

Then save to a file and run PDFLaTeX on it:

    sage: file = "/home/palmieri/my_file.tex"
    sage: O = open(file, 'w')
    sage: O.write(t)
    sage: O.close
    sage: from sage.misc.latex import _run_latex_
    sage: _run_latex_(file)


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