On 6 May 2009, at 14:22, Kevin Horton wrote:

> With sage 3.4.2, I note that there is no horizontal scroll bar when
> viewing the documentation indexes with a web browser.  The links in
> the indexes are in at least two columns, with most of the second
> column off screen to the right, unless you have a very wide screen
> monitor.  I see this on Safari, Firefox, Camino and OmniWeb, on two
> different computers, using sage 3.4.2 built from source.  Example  
> URL: http://your
> _sage_server:8000/doc/live/reference/genindex-M.html
> Is there some setting I can change in sage to fix this, or is this a
> sage bug?

I've discovered the situation is not quite as I described above.

In fact, there is a horizontal scroll bar, but is not seen unless you  
scroll down to the bottom of the visible text.  If the index is large,  
this will take many, many screens of vertical scrolling before you can  
scroll horizontally.

For me, the current functionality is workable, now that I have  
discovered how it works.  But I suspect that many viewers of the html  
docs would find the index unusable, as they may not discover the  
horizontal scroll bar.  Sage has excellent documentation.  It deserves  
an index with a less opaque interface.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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