hi there,

sorry if this is not really sage-related (it is in a way).

So David, i'm currently reading your book "adventures in group
theory", and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm sure it will also be of
great help when i finally teach sage in my university (the switch from
maple is about to happen, maybe next year!)

there is something puzzling me though, if i may say so... It's the
movement M_R. As you describe it, it moves the middle slice...
therefore moving the central facets, so strictly speaking it's
certainly not a move in the cube's group. I understand that you can
almost get the same effect by moving the left and right faces in the
opposite direction, so something like LR^-1 if i get the orientations
right. However, there is a difference, in that you need to look at the
cube from another angle if you want to get the feeling that it's the
middle slice that's just moved. In doing so, the next moves U, F ...
become ambiguous to me, as i don't know what the "front" is anymore.

i've tried this with sage, following section 5.1.1, p287, trying to
"flip the top edges uf, ub":

sage: rubik = CubeGroup()
sage: r= rubik.R()
sage: l= rubik.L()
sage: u= rubik.U()
sage: d= rubik.D()
sage: f= rubik.F()
sage: b= rubik.B()
sage: mr = r^(-1)*l
sage: flip= (mr*u)^3*u*(mr^(-1)*u)^3*u
sage: P= rubik.plot3d_cube(flip); show(P)

the result is a bit of a mess.

what am i getting wrong ?

thanks !
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