May be a bug or expected behavior, I do not know.

I have pasted the example of "Tachyon 3D plotting" here:
to a notebook input region in this way:

sage: f = lambda t: (t,t^2,t^3)
sage: t = Tachyon(camera_center=(5,0,4))
sage: t.texture('t')
sage: t.light((-20,-20,40), 0.2, (1,1,1))
sage: t.parametric_plot(f,-5,5,'t',min_depth=6)

The last line without the "sage:" string as it copied from the middle
of a sentence.

I have read somewhere that this "sage:" need not be removed when
copying input (presumably it is removed by parsing). So I have though
that it is indifferent whether it is there or not.

But when executed within the notebook interface I do not get any
output. Surprisingly, when pasted and executed in the console
interface, it produces the plot (shown in a window).

I have realized that adding "sage:" to the last line makes it work in
the notebook:  the plot is shown below the input region.

So, is this the expected behavior?

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