A bit dated, but a useful backgrounder nonetheless.... FN

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Compiled by:
Kumar Kalanand Mani
Soter D'souza
Antonnio Francisco Fernandes

All information and suggestions are in accordance with the Goa Panchayati
Raj Act, 1994 (GPR Act, 1994) and Goa Panchayats Meeting Rules (GP Rules) &
Circulars in force. This booklet is exclusively for information and not to
be used for legal purposes. This booklet contains information presented in
three parts

Presents rules and suggestions for Gram Sabha
Spells out the Functions and Responsibilities of the Panchayat.

Gives the powers and duties of Sarpanch and Secretary along with the rules
for Panchayat meetings

Due care has been taken to avoid errors in the compilation. Yet there may
be some errors. Any correction / suggestions shall be welcome.


We are deeply grateful to the following resource persons for their valuable
advice, suggestions and support extended for the compilation of this

  1. Mr. P.M. Borkar, Director of Panchayat, Govt. of Goa.
  2. Mr. U.D.Gaitonde, Dy. Director of Panchayat (North), Govt. of Goa.
  3. Ms. Saltarat Kazi, Dept. of political science, Goa University.
  4. Mr. Roland Martins, GOA DESC, Mapusa.
  5. Adv. Albertina Almeida, Bailancho Saad, Goa.
  6. Capt. Gerald Fernandes, Social Activist.


The 73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India was meant to empower the
Panchayats for strengthening grass root democracy. Every village knows its
particular needs and therefore planning and implementation of programmes to
address these needs, when undertaken at the village level become more

It has been our experience that people's participation in Panchayat Raj
more so in the State of Goa has not been encouraging. There are various
reasons and one of these is the lack of awareness and the ignorance of
powers vested in the people. Several citizens have expressed the need for
some literature on the powers and duties of the Gram Sabha, which is the
foundation of Panchayat Raj.

We have attempted through our experience to put together the minimum
required information in this booklet that may help as a guide to the
members of the Gram Sabha and panchayat representatives. We hope this will
encourage greater participation and meaningfulness to the Gram Sabha
meetings and the administration of panchayats.

General Problems, Complaints, Misconceptions of Gram Sabha Members: -

§ Members coming pre-planned with an issue, or spontaneously, and raising
it without paying heed to the agenda.

§ Making proposals without submitting them to the Sarpanch within the
stipulated time.

§ Persons abusing the members on the dais and other Gram Sabha members.

§ Members raising matters that do not fall within the powers and duties of

§ Disobeying the decision of the chairperson.

§ Chairperson denies permission to raise issues to evade irregularities and
illegalities even after due notice.

§ Meetings prolonged unnecessarily due to lack of structuring and control
of meeting by the chairpersons.

§ Secretary provides false information to Gram Sabha.

§ Copies of proposals, budgets not given prior to the meeting to enable
members to study the same.

§ Sarpanch / Dy. Sarpanch convene the Gram Sabha at any time and make rules
as per his desire. What is a Gram Sabha of the Panchayat?

Gram Sabha means a body consisting of persons whose names are for the time
being entered as electors in the electoral roll for a Panchayat.

(Refer Section 4 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994).

For a person to be enrolled in the electoral roll he/she should have
completed 18 years of age. The time for enrolling is as fixed by the
Election Commission..
When does the Gram Sabha meet?

1. There shall be four ordinary meetings of the Gram Sabha to be held on
any Sunday of January, April, July and October of every year, and is to be
convened by the Sarpanch.

2. There shall also be four Special Meetings of the Gram Sabha on 26th
January, l5th August, 2nd October and 19th December of every year and is to
be convened by the Sarpanch.

3. An extra ordinary meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be convened by the
Sarpanch, upon a requisition in writing of not less than one-tenth number
of members of the Gram Sabha, within thirty days from the receipt of such

4. In the event of the Sarpanch failing to convened the ordinary and
special meetings of the Gram Sabha, the Block Development Officer shall
convene the meeting in the following month. In the event of the Sarpanch
failing to convene the extra ordinary meeting within the specified time
limit, an appeal shall preferred to the Block Development Officer under
Section 201-A of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.

(Refer sections 5 (1), (2), (4), (5) of the G.P.R. Act, 1994)

During the months prescribed for a Gram Sabha meeting the members should
make efforts to read the notice board and newspapers to know the exact date
and place of the meeting. How does one know the date, time and place of the
Gram Sabha meeting?

For an Ordinary meeting of the Gram Sabha at least seven clear day notice
before the date of such meeting shall be given and in the case of an
Extraordinary meeting, at least four days notice before the date of such

The notice of the Gram Sabha meeting, either ordinary or extra ordinary
shall be published: -

a. By affixing it at the office of the Panchayat or any other conspicuous
public place or places in the village.

b. By publishing it in anyone local newspaper which is widely circulated in
the village.

(Announcement can be made through loudspeaker in the whole village)

The notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the
nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

(Refer rule 7, 8 and 9 of the G.S. meeting Rules, 1996) At what time is the
Gram Sabha meeting to be held?

The Gram Sabha meeting shall be held at 11.00 hrs.

(Refer rule 5 of Gram Sabha meeting Rules, 1996)

The preponing or postponing of the timing of the meeting is a violation of
the rules.

How many members are required to form the quorum for the Gram Sabha Meeting?

One-tenth of the total number of Gram Sabha members (voters) are required
to form the quorum of the meeting.

When there is no quorum for any meeting, after fifteen minutes from the
appointed time, the meeting shall be adjourned by half an hour and when the
Gram Sabha re-assembles no quorum shall be necessary.

(Refer Sec. (5), (6) & (7) of G.P.R. Act, 1994).

Is there any observer from the Government for the Gram Sabha Meeting ?

Yes. An officer nominated by the Block Development Officer shall attend the
Gram Sabha meeting.

(Refer Sec. 5(8)of the P.R. Act 1994) What are the matters that can be
taken up at the Gram Sabha ?

The following matters shall be placed before the Gram Sabha by the Sarpanch
for approval;

a. Annual statement of accounts.
b. Annual administration report.
c. Budget estimates.
d. Development work and other programmes proposed for the current financial
e. The last audit report and replies made there to.
f. Proposal for fresh taxation or enhanced taxation.
g. Proposal for organising community service, voluntary labour or
mobilisation of the local people for any specific work included in any
h. Identification of the beneficiaries under various programmes of the
i. Determination of the priorities of the work to be under-taken by
the Panchayat.
j. Utilisation certificate in respect of the development works
undertaken by the Panchayat from the grants-in-aid or Panchayat Funds.
(Refer section 6 of the G. P.R. Act. 1994)

Ensure that the resolutions are properly recorded by the Secretary and one
should pay attention when the minutes are being read and placed for
(Ref Sec. 4 of the G.P.R. Act, 1994).

Where is the Gram Sabha meeting to be held ?

The meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be held in the office of the Panchayat
or at any other convenient public place accessible to all the Villagers as
may be determined by the Sarpanch, or in his absence by the Deputy Sarpanch.
(Refer rule 3 of Gram Sabha Meeting Rules, 1996).

Can a Gram Sabha member place a proposal at the meeting ?

Yes. Any proposal which a person desires to place before a Gram Sabha may
be sent by him to the Sarpanch or in his absence the Deputy Sarpanch at
least four days before the date of the meeting. The proposal may be
disallowed on the following grounds namely:

a. If the proposal is of defamatory character.
b. If the proposal is of trivial nature.
c. If the language used in the proposal is offensive.
d. If the proposal is against public interest.
e. If the proposal is in respect of matter which is sub-judice.

The person presiding at the Gram Sabha meeting may disallow the discussion
of any proposition, which he considers to be beyond the competence of the
Gram Sabha and in doing so, he shall record his reasons in writing.
(Refer rule 10 and 13 of the G.S. Meetings Rules, 1996)

How are the proceedings to be recorded?

A brief record of the proceedings of every meeting of the Gram Sabha shall
be kept in any of the following languages, namely, Hindi, English, Konkani
and Marathi in a bound book and a copy of the proceedings shall be sent to
the Director of Panchayats within seven days from the date of the meeting.
(Refer rule 17 of G.S. Meeting Rules, 1996)

The minutes book is in the custody of the Panchayat Secretary and any Gram
Sabha member has a right to inspect the minutes at any reasonable time.

Is there any remedy for grievances regarding the decision of the Gram Sabha

A person aggrieved by the decision of the Gram Sabha may prefer an appeal
to the Director of Panchayats within a period of thirty days from the date
of such decision and the Director's decision on such appeal shall be final.
Other complaints and grievances may be redressed through the Block
Development Officer, Deputy Director of Panchayats or the Director of
(Refer section 6(5) of the G. P.R. Act, 1994)


Below mentioned are some of the suggestions for planning the agenda


1.Annual Statement of Accounts.
2.Annual Administration Report.
3. Budget Estimates.
4.Development work and other programmes proposed for the current financial
5. Proposal for organising community service, voluntary labour or
mobilisation of the local people for any specific work included in any
6. Identification of the beneficiaries under various programmes of the
Government (if any).
7. Determination of the priorities of work to be under-taken by the
8. Utilisation certificate in respect of the development works undertaken
by the Panchayats from the grants-in-aid or Panchayat Fund.
9. Action taken by Village Panchayat on resolutions of last Gram Sabha
10. Report of Supervisory Committees/ Election of new Supervisory
Committees for current financial year.



· Talk on India's freedom struggle & freedom fighters.
· Talk on Achievement / Progress since Independence.
· Plans for Protection of Environment, Agriculture, Industry, Water
resources, Communal harmony.
·Schemes of Government.
· Felicitating Freedom Fighters

1. Statement of Accounts of the last three months.
2. Review of development work and other programmes proposed for the current
financial year.
3. Proposal for organising community service, voluntary labour or
mobilisation of the local people for any specific work included in any
programme (if any).
4. Identification of the beneficiaries under various programmes of the
Government, if any.
5. Review of the priority works to be under-taken by the Panchayat.
6. Utilisation certificate in respect of the development works undertaken
by the Panchayat from the grants-in-aid or Panchayat funds.
7. Action taken by Village Panchayat on resolution of last Gram Sabha
8. Report of the Supervisory Committees.


· Talk on the teachings and life of Mahatma Gandhi.
· Strategies for local self-employment and economic independence.
· Schemes for alleviation of Poverty.
· Felicitating local social activists etc


1. Statement of Accounts of the last three months.
2. Review of development work and other programmes proposed for the current
financial year.
3.Proposal for organising community service, voluntary labour or
mobilisation of the local people for any specific work included in any
programme (if any).
4. Identification of the beneficiaries under various programmes of the
Government, if any.
5. Review of the priority works to be under-taken by the Panchayat.
6. Utilisation certificate in respect of the development works undertaken
by the Panchayat from the grants-in-aid or Panchayat funds.
7. Audit Report of the last financial year.
8. Action taken report on resolutions of last Gram Sabha meeting.
9. Report of the Supervisory Committees.


·Talk on Goa's freedom struggle & its freedom fighters.
· Reviewing progress in areas of Agriculture, Tourism, Water Management,
Forest Preservation, Ecology, Health etc.
· Schemes for social welfare measures.
· Felicitating progressive local entrepreneurs especial in cottage industry


1. Statement of Accounts of last three months.
2. Revision of Budget Estimate for the current financial year. (If the need
3. Proposal for organising community service voluntary labour or
mobilisation of the local people for any specific work included in any
4. Identification of the beneficiaries under various programmes of the
Government, if any.
5. Review of the priority works to be undertaken by the Panchayat.
6. Utilisation Certificate in respect of the development works undertaken
by the Panchayat from the grants-in-aid or Panchayat Funds.
7. Budget estimate for next financial year.
8. Action taken report on resolutions of last Gram Sabha meeting.
9. Report of Supervisory Committees.


· Talk on the Indian Constitution in areas of fundamental rights & duties.
· Assessing if the Constitutional requirements are adhered to in the
· Schemes if any.
· Felicitating local writers, teachers etc.

Some suggestions for smooth conducting of Gram Sabha meetings: Members
should have total understanding about powers and functions of Panchayats
and the Gram Sabha, which are specified in the Panchayat Raj Act & Rules.

Members should refrain from raising irrelevant and in appropriate issues
that are not within the powers and duties of the Panchayat.

Members should speak after taking the permission of the chair.

Members desiring to make proposals should inform the Sarpanch at least four
days before the Gram Sabha meeting.

No abusive, offensive language should be used and in case of any deliberate
attempts to disrupt the meeting through use of offensive language and
violence, the Sarpanch should use any appropriate measures to remove such
members from the meeting.

The decision of the Sarpanch not to allow any proposal is final. If a
member is aggrieved he can make use of the provisions for appeal under
Section 201-A of the Act.

The Chairperson should fix a time limit for each matter to be taken up in
the meeting. It should be done preferably in consultation with the Gram
Sabha members.

Violations and irregularities in conducting the Gram Sabha meeting should
be brought to the notice of the Sarpanch and Block Development Officer.

A copy of minutes of the meetings and information on development works of
the Panchayat can be obtained from the Secretary under Section 6(7) of the
Act on payment of the nominal fee prescribed.

Members should keep themselves informed on date, time and place of the Gram
Sabha meeting and the agenda of the meeting.

The names of persons attending Gram Sabha meeting should be entered only if
they are present

Follow-up of the Gram Sabha Meeting:

1. The decisions of the Gram Sabha are to be implemented by the Sarpanch of
the Panchayat.
2. Within seven-days the copy of minutes of the Gram Sabha should be sent
to the Director of Panchayat by the Secretary. Any member can apply for the
copy of the minutes under Sec. 6(7) of the G.P.R. Act with a nominal fee
3.  Check if the resolutions passed by the Gram Sabha are being executed.

For further information contact:-

§ Panchayat Raj Cell, Peaceful Society, Kundai 403 115 Goa.
§ Directorate of Panchayats, Govt. of Goa, Junta House, Panaji 403 001
Goa.  Ph: 0832-222586.

This Booklet is issued in public interest by :-
PANCHAYAT RAJ CELL Peaceful Society KUNDAI 403 115 GOA Ph: 0832-392236,
392237 Fax: 392382 e-mail: peaceful_goa-W19KVW30QFMSDc0kpPPPTw@public.

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