Learn one or more Konkani word a day:

CHEIR perfume, smell

CHENCHAUNC to smash, to compress, to suffocate, to crush

CHENCHLOLO, -I, -EM oppressed, downtrodden, unfortunate

CHENCHNIM compression, pressure, overcrowding

CHENCHONC to be pressed, to be crushed

CHENCHUDD small quantity of coir pressed for igniting, a poor female

CHENCHUNC to compress

CHEP n squashing

CHEP GALUNC to squash, to crush

CHEPEM n hat

CHEPNNI act of crushing or squashing

CHEPONC to be compressed, to yield, to submit

CHEPONNEM n. compression

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar. First
published (authored probably by Dacho Furtado) in 1930. Republished in 1991
and 1999 by the Asian Educational Services, Rs 195 in India. Also in a
Broadway reprint. Somewhat difficult to purchase currently.]

Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and written style may have changed since.
Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. Copyleft.
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