Hi Annette: Sancharnet is giving a lot of trouble these days. So mail
often doesn't go through. That's probably why Mario shifted to a
Gmail.com account. (If anyone wants a free invite for Gmail, let me

If any of your mail doesn't get through, just send me a copy. 

Mail may not go through for a number of reasons (i) you may be not
trimming off the earlier post, and a message which is over 10K (ten
kilobytes) in size, will automatically bounce (ii) if you use any
administrative word in the message (e.g. even if the footer of the
earlier message is resent, since it contains the taboo word s u b s c r
i b e which the server recognises as a command) (iii) if you send mail
from an address other than the one you're subscribed on.

Mario, Saligaonet doesn't have a digest version. Please make sure that
if a message bounces, you send me a copy.

Normally, if a message doesn't go to the list, it bounces and reaches
the Admin. In my case, I have so much junk mail that I can't keep track
of all the bounces of the lists I run. Sorry! FN

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: 2005/08/07 Sun PM 01:29:10 IST
Subject:  Cant get through to Fr. Nasciment

Hi Rico

Hope you are doing ok!  Happy Feast!

How come Fr. Nasciment's mesg. are coming through on Saligaonet, yet my 
emails to him are not going through?  Could you please forward this to him 
if you can? (Not through Saligaonet please as this is personal message as 
you will see from content)

Thanks for your help.

Enjoy the day with sorpotel & sannas. Wish your parents for me, I'm sure 
they remember me!



 _/ Frederick Noronha | Independent Journalist | Ph 832.2409490
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