Ehlo Ehlo,

Long time no chat and no see..How is life?
Came online today and found you not online and then realised that it is
Friday and dame van vinkle must be gallavanting somewhere with her
Lancelot..haha all my English heroes coming to mind eh?At least it is not
the Elves and the Shoemaker haha!
Enough of my rambling..How are you?Sad to hear about Fiona and I really hope
her VRS will kick in sooner.Some people can really make lives miserable for
others isnt it?How is Ashley?
We are all fine. Carmo made a surprised trip home yest..saying his boss is
away and there is nothing much to be done so he is here for a long
weekend..Good for us..His last day is on Wed anyways.
My work is going on fine. Enjoying it very much. The boys too are on
Mummy is having her cataract operation today. At the moment she is in hosp
and her due in an hours time..they will send her  home today
itself..Jan and Ivor are with her.
I just called Brendon to ask where Carmo has reached bec. he went to reach
him to Savios place and is not back yet. He told me that Savio;s law
was at their place early this morning so he probably is chatting with him. I
got a bit worried bec. if there is no place to go he should have been here
half and hour ago..haha They say women can talk, men can also talk isnt it? bread is in the toaster..hope it does not get too brown..
Take care

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