Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

GOACAN Gram Sabha Demands Week -13 to19th February
The Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN)
will observe GRAM SABHA DEMANDS WEEK from Sunday13th to
Saturday19th February to highlight the problems & the aspirations
of the Gramsabha members.

Although the 73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India was meant
to empower the Panchayats for strengthening grass root democracy
and give more power to the people the reality in Goa is quite the

Members of the Gram Sabhas in most Village Panchayats have to
struggle to find a place in the decision making process. In fact their
involvement is being opposed by the Sarpanch and Panchayat
Secretary and their grievances are being neglected in many cases
by the senior Govt. officials.

As per the provisions of the Goa Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, the
Village Panchayat members are suppose to meet fortnightly,
however, in many Panchayats the meetings are not held. Although
members of the Gram Sabha are allowed to attend these meetings
as observers, in many cases they are denied permission to attend,
humiliated and even threatened with police action.

With regards to the eight Gram Sabhas, these village assemblies
are also to be held as specified in the Act, however in many
cases these Gram Sabhas have not been held for many months.
Moreover, as these Gram Sabha are meetings of the voters, the
minutes of the same are being denied to them. In some cases
Gram Sabha members are being forced to pay Rs.10/- for a
photocopied minutes page so as to dissuade them from applying
for these minutes.

Gram Sabha members are also entitled to accessing and getting
copies of important documents such as the Annual Budget,
Annual Development Plan and the Audit Report of the Panchayat.
However in numerous cases members are being denied access
to these documents and therefore cannot ensure a transparent
and accountable form of governance.

One of the major highlights of the Act is the participation of
Gram Sabha members in various Committees thereby ensuring
participation in the decision making process of the Village
Panchayat. Presently the Act provides for the setting up of the
Supervisory Committee, Social  Justice Committee and Amenities
Committee in the Village Panchayat. Besides a Village Child
Committee as per the Goa Children's Act 2003, and a Garbage
Management Committee as per the Goa Non-Biodegradable
Garbage (Control) Act 1996 are also required to be set up by
the Panchayat.

During the Gram Sabha Demands Week , issues such as the
attendance to fortnightly meetings by Gram Sabha members,
the availability of Gram Sabha minutes and other documents,
the holding of regular Gram Sabha and the setting up of various
Committees at the Gram Sabha will be hightlighted by the
Consumer Fourm activists.

The week long campaign to be observed by consumer forum
activists which will culminate on 19th Feb Panchayat Day will
consist of awareness & protest actions and memorandums &
delegations to Govt. officials such as the Block development
Officers (BDO's) at the taluka level, and the Dy. Director &
Director of Panchayats at District and State level.

to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           website: www.goacan.org

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