We knew Louis Vaz and his brother as young boys from Donvaddo, Bomboikars who did the annual pilgrimage in the months of April-May back to Goa. After many years, we met up once again at Joe(y) Vaz's home at Sonarbhat, when we attended a kiddy's birthday party. (You guessed right, at this stage in life, our choice of friends is largely decided on by whose kids our kids prefer to play with.)

        Louis and his wife Melissa are a enterprising and
        hard-working couple. Louis gave up a job on the ship,
        and took the bold way out -- undertaking a small business
        in Goa, out of his home at Donvaddo.

So I tried to help in a small way, by putting up this simple site that explains what kind of food they offer. Check it out at


For those interested in knowing more, their range includes:
* Exquisitely crafted delicious celebration, novelty & 3D fairy-tale
* Catering & snacks for parties (incl. whole baked stuffed pigling).
* Gift Package for occasions - food, snacks, juice, flowers, cards.
* Seasonal fruit squash - pineapple, mango, green lemon. (no added colour / flavour)
* Jam - mixed fruit, mango, pineapple, strawberry. (no added colour / flavour)
* Xmas specialities - rich fruit cake, marzipan, date & walnut rolls, chocolate fudge, milk cre`me, Xmas cookies, rose cookies, cocada.
* Easter specialities - marzipan / chocolate Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks.
* Cashew wine & raisin wine.

But this is only a small selection.... check it out yourself.

And if you know of any other good cause that needs a simple website (within my limited capacities) do put them in touch with me. FN

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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