IT WAS NICE to see the youngsters from LCHS (including a number of 
just-passed students) take up the initiative about reviving the school's 
alumni network on a pleasant Sunday morning in mid-June.

        By lunchtime, and after some positive discussions, there
        were a number of initiatives on the drawing-board. The
        main two being:
        o An alumni initiative for supporting an audio-visual
        room for students in the school (with LCD projector, etc)
        Targeted aim for completion: end of May 2005.
        o Building up a National Open School Centre at LCHS,
        to take care of the drop-out problem here, specially
        catering to students who can't cope with the rather
        straight-jacketed system of the mainstream system.
        This is a longer-term plan, which hopefully could be
        achieved in the next 2-3 years.

There were also some other plans to be taken up, including:
o Updating and getting a separate identity for the LCHS website. Shanon of 
Saligaonet has volunteered to help.
o Diego and Lennie and other Saligaokars' dream of having a gym at the 
currently-unutilised indoor sports complex at the entry to the school.
o Career guidance initiatives, possibly with help from SaligaoNetter 
Yvonne who has already doing a job that's getting noticed. (After we wound 
up the meeting, the idea came up that a useful way of dissemination of 
information could be via a simple notice-board dedicated to careers.
o Database of skills within the village, so that these could be tapped 
more effectively by the school and the wider community, for purposes of 
mentoring, occasional talks, etc. (Please send links of anyone you know 
who studied or completed education through this school.)
o Locating and keeping in touch with the alumni who have been in this 
school since it's launch in 1946... and possibly even in its earlier 
avatar as St Mary's prior to that date.
o Building up a mailing-list on the Internet for the alumni specifically.

        The school's initiative of taking up new activities for
        students (music, Bharatnatyam, Taekwondo, etc) was 
        appreciated, and it was suggested that similar initiatives
        be also taken up in the field of sports.

Principal Sr Lily stressed that the school was keen to deploy its premises 
for a larger part of the day, to benefit the students, village and area. 
She called on students to treat the institution as their own, even after 
finishing their studies, and to maintain their links.

        Some of those present had passed out in as long back as in 1976,
        while others belonged to the Class of 2004. Since the 
        mid-nineties, the convent had been converted in to a co-ed school.

It was strongly felt that the village had a lot of skills waiting to be 
asked, and waiting to be tapped. This initiative was seen primarily as one 
geared to tapping skills of alumni and villagers. 

        The next meeting is scheduled for July 18 at 11 am. 

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